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Created October 7, 2015 10:09
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# ssxy
import random
from twitter import *
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client.Shishuoxinyu
k = oauth_dance('twitter_username',
# magic here
check k
# Use oauth dance's result to fill this
auth = OAuth(
t = Twitter(auth=auth)
N = db.items.find({'touched':0}).count() # if N = 0, replay
if N == 0:
db.items.update({'touched':1},{"$set": {'touched':0}}, upsert=False, multi=True)
db.items.update({'touched':2},{"$set": {'touched':0}}, upsert=False, multi=True)
N = db.items.find({'touched':0}).count()
seq = int(random.random()*N)
tmp = list(db.items.find().limit(1).skip(seq))[0]
content = tmp['content']
# stats here
# stat
allitem = list(db.items.find())
for item in allitem:
length = len(item['content'])
if length < 10:
print(len(post_content(item['content'])), length)
# according to stat, the longest one is 373, so split by every 130 to make sure every
# item will be done in 3 status.
def post_content(content):
length = len(content)
if length == 0:
raise SystemExit
if length > 260:
contents = [content[:130], content[130:260], content[260:length]]
elif length > 180:
contents = [content[:130], content[130:length]]
elif length > 139: # half split
contents = [content[:90], content[90:length]]
contents = [content]
return contents # a list
contents = post_content(content)
# get random post, mark for use
# update it
for item in contents:
db.items.update({'md5':tmp['md5']}, {"$set": {"touched":1}})
# mark done
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