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Last active December 16, 2019 13:59
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# Import Pandas - List of cities can be found here
import pandas as pd
# Import PuLP modeler functions
from pulp import *
# Math functions for distance calculation
import math
# Networkx to get connected components and subtours
import networkx as nx
# Matplotlib for debugging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Visually see loops progression
from tqdm import tqdm
# To measure the optimizataion time
import time
class TSP():
cities = None
santa = None
variables_dict = None
x = None
path = None
sec_constraints = 0
execution_time = 0
def __init__(self, population_lower_bound=10e5 * 3):
cities = pd.read_csv("worldcities.csv")
self.cities = cities.loc[cities["population"] >= population_lower_bound][
["lat", "city", "lng", "population"]].reset_index()
# Add Santa's house
santa_df = pd.DataFrame([["Santa's House", 66.550331132, 25.886996452, 10000]],
columns=["city", "lat", "lng", "population"])
# Add other cities with smaller population to improve the World coverage
reykjavik = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Reykjavik") & (cities["country"] == "Iceland")]
algiers = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Algiers") & (cities["country"] == "Algeria")]
brazzaville = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Brazzaville")]
dublin = cities.loc[(cities["city"] == "Dublin") & (cities["country"] == "Ireland")]
guatemala_city = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Guatemala City")]
ulaanbaatar = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Ulaanbaatar")]
wellington = cities.loc[(cities["city"] == "Wellington") & (cities["country"] == "New Zealand")]
port_moresby = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Port Moresby")]
juneau = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Juneau")]
edmonton = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Edmonton")]
juba = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Juba")]
stockholm = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Stockholm")]
copenhagen = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Copenhagen")]
oslo = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Oslo")]
abeche = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Abeche")]
kuala_lumpur = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Kuala Lumpur")]
kuching = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Kuching")]
tirana = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Tirana")]
volgograd = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Volgograd")]
belgrade = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Belgrade") & (cities["country"] == "Serbia")]
fairbanks = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Fairbanks")]
vilnius = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Vilnius")]
tartu = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Tartu")]
riga = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Riga") & (cities["country"] == "Latvia")]
nur_sultan = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Nur-Sultan")]
bamako = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Bamako")]
ouagadougou = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Ouagadougou")]
nouakchott = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Nouakchott")]
n_djamena = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "N'Djamena")]
bangui = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Bangui")]
niamey = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Niamey")]
ljubljana = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Ljubljana")]
sofia = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Sofia")]
zagreb = cities.loc[(cities["city_ascii"] == "Zagreb")]
self.cities = pd.concat(
[self.cities, santa_df, dublin, reykjavik, algiers,
brazzaville, guatemala_city, ulaanbaatar, wellington,
port_moresby, juneau, edmonton, juba,
stockholm, copenhagen, oslo, abeche, kuala_lumpur,
kuching, tirana, volgograd, belgrade, fairbanks, vilnius,
tartu, riga, nur_sultan, bamako, ouagadougou, nouakchott,
n_djamena, bangui, niamey, ljubljana, sofia, zagreb]).reset_index()
self.cities = pd.concat(
[self.cities, santa_df]).reset_index()
def build_model(self):
# Initialize the problem
santa = LpProblem("santa", LpMinimize)
# Generate distances
w = h = self.cities.shape[0]
distances = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
for index_a, row_a in tqdm(self.cities.iterrows(), total=self.cities.shape[0]):
lat_a = row_a["lat"]
lng_a = row_a["lng"]
for index_b, row_b in self.cities.iterrows():
lat_b = row_b["lat"]
lng_b = row_b["lng"]
distances[index_a][index_b] = self.calculate_distance(lat_a, lng_a, lat_b, lng_b)
# Generate dictionary to create the Linear program decision variables
distances_dict = dict(((a, b), distances[a][b]) for a in self.cities.index for b in self.cities.index if a != b)
# The objective function
x = LpVariable.dicts('x', distances_dict, 0, 1, LpBinary)
self.x = x
self.variables_dict = dict([(str(value), key) for key, value in x.items()])
cost = lpSum([x[(i, j)] * distances_dict[(i, j)] for (i, j) in distances_dict])
# Add cost function to the model
santa += cost
# Add other constraints, after this we will only need to add the subtour elimination constraints!
for k in self.cities.index:
# every site has exactly one inbound connection
santa += lpSum([x[(i, k)] for i in self.cities.index if (i, k) in x]) == 1
# every site has exactly one outbound connection
santa += lpSum([x[(k, i)] for i in self.cities.index if (k, i) in x]) == 1
self.distances_dict = distances_dict
self.santa = santa
def add_subtour_constraints(self):
# Generate the graph from the current solution
varsdict = {}
for v in self.santa.variables():
if v.varValue == 1:
varsdict[] = v.varValue
G = nx.Graph()
# Add nodes to the Graph
for index_a, row_a in self.cities.iterrows():
lat_a = row_a["lat"]
lng_a = row_a["lng"]
G.add_node(index_a, pos=(lat_a, lng_a))
# Add edges according to solution
for k in varsdict:
tmp_node = self.variables_dict[k]
G.add_edge(tmp_node[0], tmp_node[1])
# If the number of connected components is 1, we found the optimal path
nr_connected_components = nx.number_connected_components(G)
if nr_connected_components == 1:
return True
# Otherwise we need to add the SEC equations
# Get all the connected components. If there are more than 1, then there are subtours
components = nx.connected_components(G)
for c in tqdm(components, total=nr_connected_components):
self.santa += lpSum([self.x[(a, b)] for a in c for b in c if a != b]) <= len(c) - 1
self.sec_constraints += 1
def build_graph_from_current_solution(self):
varsdict = {}
for v in self.santa.variables():
if v.varValue == 1:
varsdict[] = v.varValue
G = nx.Graph()
# Add nodes to the Graph
for index_a, row_a in self.cities.iterrows():
lat_a = row_a["lat"]
lng_a = row_a["lng"]
G.add_node(index_a, pos=(lat_a, lng_a))
# Add edges according to solution
for k in varsdict:
tmp_node = self.variables_dict[k]
G.add_edge(tmp_node[0], tmp_node[1])
return G
def solve(self):
# Now, the model is missing of the subtour elimination constraints.
# The number of these constraints is 2^N-2 where N is the number of cities selected. Too many.
# What we can do is:
# 1. Solve the problem without the Subtour elimination constraints
# 2. Get the solution and see if there are subtours of length lower than N
# 3. Add the constraints that exclude those subtours
# 4. Goto 1 and repeat until there are no more subtours
start_time = time.time()
while True:
G = self.build_graph_from_current_solution()
pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos')
nx.draw(G, pos, node_size=200)
if self.add_subtour_constraints():
self.execution_time = time.time() - start_time
def extract_solution(self):
G = self.build_graph_from_current_solution()
santas_idx = self.cities[self.cities["city"] == "Santa's House"].index
cycle = nx.find_cycle(G, santas_idx)
solution = []
for e in G.edges:
edge = []
edge.append(self.distances_dict[(e[0], e[1])])
path = []
for s, e in cycle:
columns = ["node_a_id", "node_a_city", "node_a_lat", "node_a_lng", "node_a_population", "node_b_id",
"node_b_city", "node_b_lat", "node_b_lng", "node_b_population", "distance_km"]
self.path = path
self.solution = pd.DataFrame(solution, columns=columns)
def calculate_distance(self, lat_a, lng_a, lat_b, lng_b):
# Convert lat lng in radians
lng_a, lat_a, lng_b, lat_b = map(math.radians, [lng_a, lat_a, lng_b, lat_b])
d_lat = lat_b - lat_a
d_lng = lng_a - lng_b
temp = (
math.sin(d_lat / 2) ** 2
+ math.cos(lat_a)
* math.cos(lat_b)
* math.sin(d_lng / 2) ** 2
return 6373.0 * (2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(temp), math.sqrt(1 - temp)))
tsp = TSP(10e5 * 1.5)
print("SEC constraints added: {}".format(tsp.sec_constraints))
print("Solution Found in {} seconds".format(tsp.execution_time))
tsp.cities.to_json("selected_cities.json", orient="index")
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