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Last active January 15, 2019 02:10
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Shell memo
file transfer
rsync -uvr -e ssh Study/* server:/home/me/Study/
scp ~/.ssh/
sshpass -p "password" scp -r /some/local/path
sshpass -f "/path/to/passwordfile" scp -r /some/local/path
pscp .\Documents\DummyF\Dummy-d.txt server:DummyFolder/
apt-cache show zim | grep '^Recommends:'
find (can execute on files found), locate (easier to use), ln -s targetfile linkname
chmod u+rwx,go-rwx hello
grep pattern1 file | grep -v pattern2
read only system: sudo mount / -o remount,rw
run remote command: ssh user@server "shutdown -h now"
install with suggests:
sudo apt-get --install-suggests install <package name>
aptitude install '~Rsuggests:^network-manager$'
sudo apt-get -o APT::Install-Suggests="true" install conky
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends zim
du -hs <paths> for folder size
uname : print ceratin system information, default option is -s.
sort: sort lines of text files
cut : remove sections from each line of files
which : locate a command
whereis : locate the binary source and manual page files for a ..
locate : find files by name
bashdb : bash debugger script
bashdebug :
set -x # activate debugging from here
<part of script to debug>
set +x # stop debugging from here
env, printenv
diff: compare files line by line
# list jupyters running
ipython -c "system("jupyter" "notebook" "list")"
# Run .sh from specific line
bash <(sed -n '5,$p'
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