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Last active February 26, 2019 02:18
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  • Save aic25/989d6d7908002c18864c80448ed5f30e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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shell adventure
export PATH="/notebooks/webcam/ffmpeg_sources/bin:$PATH"
export OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS="video_codec;h264_cuvid"
export OPENCV_V4L_CAPTURE_OPTIONS="video_codec;h264_cuvid"
export OPENCV_V4L2_CAPTURE_OPTIONS="video_codec;h264_cuvid"
alias ls='ls -lsrht --color=auto'
alias docker='sudo docker'
alias nvidia-docker='sudo nvidia-docker'
alias cuda-info='cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt && nvcc --version'
~/.bashrc at ssh
sudo sshfs -o allow_other -o uid=1002 -o gid=1002 me@bla.bla:/home/me/Projects/bla ~/bla
sudo sshfs -o allow_other -o uid=1002 -o gid=1002 me@bla.bla:/home/me/DockerFiles ~/DockerFiles
~/.bash_logout at ssh
sudo fusermount -u DockerFiles/
sudo fusermount -u bla/
bash path play
$ foo=/usr/local/bin/bar
$ echo "${foo##*/}"
$ echo "${foo%/*}"
filename=$(basename -- "$fullfile")
find . -name \*.xls -exec cp {} newDir \
# watch file tail with filter
watch -n 5 "tail -n 3000 log | grep --line-buffered '.*avg.*' | awk -v n=10 'NR%n==0'"
# draw file tail with filter
[ "$1" ] || (echo "specify input" && exit)
if [ -f $1 ]
watch -n 5 "cat $1 | grep --line-buffered '.*avg.*' | awk '\$1%10==0 {print \$3}' | feedgnuplot --lines --points --legend 0 'Yolov3' --title 'Avg loss with mod 10' --terminal 'dumb 90,25' --exit "
tail -n 5000000 log | grep --line-buffered '.*avg.*' | awk '$1%100==0 {print $0}'
command >out 2>&1
strace -p `pidof gdb`
# rmove empty txt file
find . -empty | xargs rm
# copy jpg after txt
find *.txt -exec bash -c 'basename "$0" ".${0##*.}"' {} \; | while read bn; do mv ./data/$bn.jpg ./prepd/; done
# sync server results with local
rsync -uvr ../server/* ../local/
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