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Last active September 23, 2018 15:08
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Some useful extensions to KeyedDecodingContainer
extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
/// Some poorly designed APIs return JSON where the type is enclosed in quotes, which means it is interpreted as a String.
/// These two methods will attempt to decode the supplied type conforming to LosslessStringConvertible by first decoding the String
/// and then converting to the supplied type.
func decodeFromString<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> T where T : LosslessStringConvertible {
let string = try decode(String.self, forKey: key)
guard let value = T(string) else {
throw DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(forKey: key, in: self, debugDescription: "decodeFromString failed")
return value
func decodeFromStringIfPresent<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> T? where T : LosslessStringConvertible {
guard contains(key) else { return nil }
return try decodeFromString(type, forKey: key)
/// These methods are specializations of the above methods specifically for boolean values. Again poorly designed APIs sometimes return
/// boolean values as the strings "true" or "false". This method will capture those values and return the proper Bool values.
func decodeFromString(_ type: Bool.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> Bool {
let string = try decode(String.self, forKey: key)
switch string.lowercased() {
case "true":
return true
case "false":
return false
throw DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(forKey: key, in: self, debugDescription: "decodeFromString for Bool failed")
func decodeFromStringIfPresent(_ type: Bool.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> Bool? {
guard contains(key) else { return nil }
return try decodeFromString(Bool.self, forKey: key)
/// Some poorly designed APIs will contain values for keys that could be either a single instance of a type *or* an array of that type.
/// These methods will first attempt to decode an array of the supplied type, if that fails it will attempt to decode a a single instance
/// of the supplied type and return it in a containing array.
func decodeItemOrArray<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> [T] where T : Decodable {
if let _ = try? nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: key) {
return try decode([T].self, forKey: key)
} else {
return [ try decode(T.self, forKey: key) ]
func decodeItemOrArrayIfPresent<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> [T]? where T : Decodable {
guard contains(key) else { return nil }
return try decodeItemOrArray(type, forKey: key)
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