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Created March 6, 2022 17:10
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  • Save aidangannon/cb4e980ffccf56e5fad694c85d055ab2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aidangannon/cb4e980ffccf56e5fad694c85d055ab2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var endpoint = new IPEndPoint( IPAddress.Loopback, 6000 );
var server = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp );
server.SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true );
server.SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveTime, 90 );
server.SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveInterval, 5 );
server.SetSocketOption( SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveRetryCount, 3 );
server.Bind( endpoint );
server.Listen( 1 );
Task.Run( ( ) =>
var client = server.Accept( );
Task.Run( ( ) =>
while( true )
client.Send( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "hell from server to client" ) );
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
} );
Task.Run( ( ) =>
while( true )
var bytes = new byte[ 20 ];
client.Receive( bytes );
Console.WriteLine( Encoding.UTF8.GetString( bytes ) );
} );
} );
var clientSocket = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp );
Task.Run( ( ) =>
clientSocket.Connect( endpoint );
Task.Run( ( ) =>
while( true )
clientSocket.Send( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "hell from client to server" ) );
Thread.Sleep( 2000 );
} );
Task.Run( ( ) =>
while( true )
var bytes = new byte[ 20 ];
clientSocket.Receive( bytes );
Console.WriteLine( Encoding.UTF8.GetString( bytes ) );
} );
} );
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using TCP keepalive

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