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Created August 15, 2016 20:58
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using Susanoo.Command;
using Susanoo.Processing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Susanoo.Transforms
internal sealed class WhereFilterTransformFactory<TFilter>
private readonly ICommandProcessorWithResults<TFilter> _processor;
private readonly Type _resultType;
public WhereFilterTransformFactory(ICommandProcessorWithResults<TFilter> processor, Type resultType, IDictionary<string, object> whereFilterOptions)
_processor = processor;
_resultType = resultType;
WhereFilterOptions = whereFilterOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the where filter options. Null if no where filter.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The where filter options.</value>
private IDictionary<string, object> WhereFilterOptions { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Builds the where filter implementation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">The information.</param>
/// <returns>ICommandSingleResultExpression&lt;TFilter, TResult&gt;.</returns>
public IExecutableCommandInfo BuildWhereFilterTransform(IExecutableCommandInfo info)
var mappings = info.Parameters
.Join(_processor.CommandResultInfo.RetrieveResultSetMappings(_resultType).Export(), parameter =>
parameter.ParameterName, pair => pair.Value.ActiveAlias,
(parameter, pair) =>
new Tuple<string, Type, string, string>(
pair.Key, //Property Name
pair.Value.PropertyMetadata.PropertyType, //Property Type
parameter.ParameterName, //Parameter Name
pair.Value.ActiveAlias //Result Column Name
.GroupJoin(WhereFilterOptions, tuple => tuple.Item1, pair => pair.Key,
(tuple, pairs) => new { tuple, comparer = pairs.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).FirstOrDefault() })
.Select(o => new Tuple<string, Type, string, string, object>(
o.tuple.Item1, //Property Name
o.tuple.Item2, //Property Type
o.tuple.Item3, //Parameter Name
o.tuple.Item4, //Result Column Name
o.comparer ?? GetDefaultCompareMethod(o.tuple.Item2) //Comparer
return new ExecutableCommandInfo
CommandText = info.CommandText + string.Concat(mappings.Select(o =>
var parameter = info.Parameters.SingleOrDefault(param => param.ParameterName == o.Item3);
var compareFormat = string.Empty;
//If no matching parameter or value is null or DBNull, don't add a comaparison.
if (parameter?.Value != null && parameter.Value != DBNull.Value)
if (o.Item5 is CompareMethod)
compareFormat = Comparison.GetComparisonFormat((CompareMethod)o.Item5);
var value = o.Item5 as ComparisonOverride;
compareFormat = value != null ? value.OverrideText : compareFormat;
if (compareFormat.Contains('{'))
compareFormat = string.Format(compareFormat, o.Item3, "[" + o.Item4 + "]");
return compareFormat;
DbCommandType = info.DbCommandType,
Parameters = info.Parameters
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default compare method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type.</param>
/// <returns>CompareMethod.</returns>
private static CompareMethod GetDefaultCompareMethod(Type type)
var result = Comparison.Equal;
if (type == typeof(string))
result = CompareMethod.Contains;
else if (type == typeof(DateTime) || SusanooCommander.GetDbType(type) == null)
result = CompareMethod.Ignore;
return result;
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