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Crazy items in Minecraft.

Minecraft Ultimate Tool Set

Requires creative mode or operator power on a multiplayer server. On a single player game (survival or hardcore), you will need "cheats" enabled to move into creative mode. Don't forget to leave creative mode when done.

These items might be stupid. Be prepared to repair the country-side.

These commands will create:

  • 2 Diamond Pickaxes, both with Unbreaking CCLV (255) and Efficiency CCLV. Additionally, one will have Silk Touch, and the other Fortune C (100).
  • 2 Diamond Shovels, both with Unbreaking CCLV and Efficiency CCLV. Additionally, one will have Silk Touch, the other Fortune C.
  • 1 Diamond Axe with Unbreaking CCLV and Efficiency CCLV.
  • 1 Diamond Hoe with Unbreaking CCLV.
  • 1 pair of Shears with Unbreaking CCLV and Efficiency CCLV.
  • 1 Diamond Sword with:
    • Sharpness CCLV
    • Smite CCLV
    • Bane of Arthropods CCLV
    • Fire Aspect CCLV
    • Looting C
    • Unbreaking CCLV

The enchantments on these items are (much) higher than the game really "allows" but mostly work correctly. The Fortune and Looting enchantments are set to 100 because 255 produces a huge amount of items.

Take note that the game doesn't know how to display these levels. Unbreaking CCLV, for example, shows as Unbreaking enchantment.level.255.

Give yourself a command block:

/give @p minecraft:command_block 1 0

Place 8 command blocks. In each command block, paste one of the following lines:

/give @p minecraft:diamond_pickaxe 1 0 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255},{id:35,lvl:100}],display:{Name:"Ultimate Diamond Pickaxe of Fortune",Lore:["Fortune favors the brave"]}}

/give @p minecraft:diamond_pickaxe 1 0 {ench:[{id:34,lvl:255},{id:32,lvl:255},{id:33,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Ultimate Diamond Pickaxe of the Silk Touch"}}

/give @p minecraft:diamond_axe 1 0 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Ultimate Diamond Axe"}}

/give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255},{id:35,lvl:100}],display:{Name:"Ultimate Diamond Shovel of Fortune"}}

/give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255},{id:33,lvl:1}],display:{Name:"Ultimate Diamond Shovel of the Silk Touch"}}

/give @p minecraft:diamond_hoe 1 0 {ench:[{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreakable Diamond Hoe"}}

/give @p minecraft:shears 1 0 {ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Ultimate Shears"}}

/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:255},{id:17,lvl:255},{id:18,lvl:255},{id:20,lvl:255},{id:21,lvl:100},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Excaliber",Lore:["This brings us to number 278","of the 1,000 provisions you","must observe. I hate carrots.","Never even think about putting","them in my food, you get it?"]}}

Activate each command block once (by button, for example).

Using a Single Command Block

This command places a chest containing the items (also includes bow, fishing rod, and diamond armor):

setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest 0 replace {Items:[{Slot:0,Count:1,id:276,tag:{ench:[{id:16,lvl:255},{id:17,lvl:255},{id:18,lvl:255},{id:20,lvl:255},{id:21,lvl:100},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Excaliber",Lore:["This brings us to number 278","of the 1,000 provisions you","must observe. I hate carrots.","Never even think about putting","them in my food, you get it?"]}}},{Slot:1,Count:1,id:278,tag:{ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255},{id:35,lvl:100}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Diamond Pickaxe of Fortune",Lore:"Fortune favours the brave"}}},{Slot:2,Count:1,id:278,tag:{ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:33,lvl:1},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Diamond Pickaxe of the Silk Touch"}}},{Slot:3,Count:1,id:277,tag:{ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255},{id:35,lvl:100}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Diamond Shovel of Fortune"}}},{Slot:4,Count:1,id:277,tag:{ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:33,lvl:1},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Diamond Shovel of the Silk Touch"}}},{Slot:5,Count:1,id:279,tag:{ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Diamond Axe"}}},{Slot:6,Count:1,id:293,tag:{ench:[{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Diamond Hoe"}}},{Slot:7,Count:1,id:359,tag:{ench:[{id:32,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Shears"}}},{Slot:8,Count:1,id:310,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:255},{id:5,lvl:255},{id:6,lvl:255},{id:7,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Spiked Diamond Helmet of the Water"}}},{Slot:9,Count:1,id:311,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:255},{id:7,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Spiked Diamond Chestplate"}}},{Slot:10,Count:1,id:312,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:255},{id:7,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Spiked Diamond Leggings"}}},{Slot:11,Count:1,id:313,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:255},{id:2,lvl:255},{id:7,lvl:255},{id:34,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Spiked Diamond Boots of Feather Falling"}}},{Slot:12,Count:1,id:261,tag:{ench:[{id:34,lvl:255},{id:48,lvl:255},{id:49,lvl:255},{id:50,lvl:255},{id:51,lvl:1}],display:{Name:"Infinite Bow of the Flame"}}},{Slot:12,Count:1,id:346,tag:{ench:[{id:34,lvl:255},{id:61,lvl:255},{id:62,lvl:255}],display:{Name:"Unbreaking Fishing Rod of Luring"}}}]}
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