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Last active August 17, 2016 10:11
function DB($query, $args = NULL, $return = false) {
$stmt = DB::prepare($query);
if ($args !== NULL && !is_array($args) && func_num_args() == 2) {
//support DB(query,return)
$return = $args;
$args = array();
if (!is_null($args) && is_array($args)) {
$time = microtime(true);
//echo "\n<br>=====\n<br/>".$query . " - " . (microtime(true) - $time) . "\n<br>====\n<br>";
if (true) {
if ($return === 1) {
return $stmt->fetch();
} else if ($return === 'all') {
return $stmt->fetchAll();
} else if ($return == true) {
return $stmt->fetchColumn();
return $stmt;
* @uses PDOStatement
class PDOStatementWrapper {
private $stmt, $rebuild, $hasexecuted = false;
public function __construct($stmt, $rebuild) {
$this->rebuild = $rebuild;
$this->stmt = $stmt;
public function __call($func, $args) {
if (!$this->hasexecuted && in_array($func, array('fetch', 'fetchAll', 'fetchColumn'))) {
$retry = 0;
do {
try {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->stmt, $func), $args);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), '2006 MySQL server')) {
$this->stmt = call_user_func_array(array(DB::getInstance($this->rebuild['k']), $this->rebuild['f']), $this->rebuild['a']);
} else {
throw $e;
} while ($retry++ < 2);
return false;
public function lastInsertId() {
return DB::lastInsertId();
public function execute() {
$retry = 0;
do {
try {
if (call_user_func_array(array($this->stmt, 'execute'), func_get_args())) {
$this->hasexecuted = true;
return $this->stmt;
} else {
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), '2006 MySQL server')) {
$this->stmt = call_user_func_array(array(DB::getInstance($this->rebuild['k']), $this->rebuild['f']), $this->rebuild['a']);
} else {
throw $e;
} while ($retry++ < 2);
return false;
public function __invoke() {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'execute'), func_get_args());
class DB {
protected static
$dbInstance = array('read' => NULL, 'write' => NULL),
$dbDsn = array('read' => NULL, 'write' => NULL),
$lastDb = NULL;
* Private constructor to prevent instantiation of this class.
private function __construct() {
* Initializes the connection info for the Read server and the Write Server
* @param array $readDsn
* @param array $writeDsn
* @return
public static function initDB($readDsn, $writeDsn = false) {
if (!$writeDsn)
$writeDsn = $readDsn;
self::$dbDsn['read'] = $readDsn;
self::$dbDsn['write'] = $writeDsn;
* utility func to get a repeated string of ?'s for inserts
* @param object $items
* @return
public static function get_placeholder_string($items) {
return implode(', ', array_fill(0, count((array) $items), '?'));
* Same thing as PDO's exec just wrapped to determine READ server vs WRITE server
* @param object $query
* @return
static public function exec($query) {
$retry = 0;
do {
try {
if (preg_match('/^\s*(UPDATE|INSERT|ALTER|TRUNCATE|DELETE)/i', $query, $match)) {
$key = false;
} else {
$key = true;
self::$lastDb = self::getInstance($key);
return call_user_func_array(array(self::$lastDb, 'exec'), func_get_args());
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), '2006 MySQL server')) {
} else {
throw $e;
} while ($retry++ < 2);
return false;
* Same thing as PDO's query just wrapped to determine READ server vs WRITE server, and
* wraps the PDOStatement with our Utility wrapper to auto set FETCH_ASSOC and make invokeable.
* @param object $query
* @return
static public function query($query) {
$retry = 0;
do {
try {
if (preg_match('/^\s*(UPDATE|INSERT|ALTER|TRUNCATE|DELETE)/i', $query, $match)) {
$key = false;
} else {
$key = true;
self::$lastDb = self::getInstance($key);
return new PDOStatementWrapper(
call_user_func_array(array(self::$lastDb, 'query'), func_get_args()), //call
array('k' => $key, 'f' => 'query', 'a' => func_get_args())
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), '2006 MySQL server')) {
} else {
throw $e;
} while ($retry++ < 2);
return false;
* Same thing as PDO's prepare just wrapped to determine READ server vs WRITE server, and
* wraps the PDOStatement with our Utility wrapper to auto set FETCH_ASSOC and make invokeable.
* @param object $query
* @param object $driver_options [optional]
* @return
static public function prepare($query, $driver_options = array()) {
$retry = 0;
do {
try {
if (preg_match('/^\s*(UPDATE|INSERT|ALTER|TRUNCATE|DELETE)/i', $query, $match)) {
$key = false;
} else {
$key = true;
self::$lastDb = self::getInstance($key);
return new PDOStatementWrapper(
call_user_func_array(array(self::$lastDb, 'prepare'), func_get_args()), //call
array('k' => $key, 'f' => 'prepare', 'a' => func_get_args()) //rebuild
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), '2006 MySQL server')) {
} else {
throw $e;
} while ($retry++ < 2);
return false;
* Gets an instance of the DB connection
* @param object $read [optional]
* @return
public static function getInstance($read = true) {
$key = 'read';
if (!$read)
$key = 'write';
if (is_null(self::$dbInstance[$key])) {
try {
$dsn = self::$dbDsn[$key];
self::$dbInstance[$key] = new PDO($dsn['driver'] . ':host=' . $dsn['host'] . ';dbname=' . $dsn['database'], $dsn['username'], $dsn['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Could not connect to database.');
self::$dbInstance[$key]->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
return self::$dbInstance[$key];
public static function reconnect() {
echo "DB Reconnected\n";
self::$dbInstance = array('read' => NULL, 'write' => NULL);
self::$lastDb = self::$dbInstance;
* Forwarder wrapper to forward all calls to DB:: to the READ server.
* @param object $method
* @param object $args
* @return
final public static function __callStatic($method, $args) {
$retry = 0;
do {
try {
if (!self::$lastDb)
self::$lastDb = self::getInstance(true);
return call_user_func_array(array(self::$lastDb, $method), $args);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (false !== strpos($e->getMessage(), '2006 MySQL server')) {
} else {
throw $e;
} while ($retry++ < 2);
return false;
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