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Created December 13, 2021 01:35
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import taichi as ti
from types import ModuleType, FunctionType
import inspect
import pdb
import csv
# FIXME: Without this init some calls will fail
def has_doc_string(x):
return getattr(x, '__doc__', None) is not None
def get_name(x):
return x.__name__ if getattr(x, '__name__', None) is not None else x
queue = []
# Dict{level : List[Tuple(api: object, api_name: str)]}
res = {0: [], 1: []}
def search():
queue.append((ti, 0, 'ti'))
while queue:
s, level, prefix = queue.pop(0)
if level == 2:
if s == ti.lib.taichi_core:
for x in dir(s):
if x.startswith('_'):
api = getattr(s, x)
res[level].append((api, f'{prefix}.{x}'))
if isinstance(api, ModuleType) and api.__name__.startswith('taichi.'):
queue.append((api, level+1, f'{prefix}.{x}'))
def write_to_csv(filename, api_list):
with open(f'{filename}.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for api_name in api_list:
if isinstance(api_name, str):
def main():
top_level = res[0]
second_level = res[1]
# 1. Do we really want to expose them here? Consider:
# - remove from top level
# - don't expose
top_level_apis = [name for api, name in top_level]
write_to_csv('top_level_apis', top_level_apis)
# 2. Top level apis must have doc strings!
missing_doc_string = [name for api, name in top_level if not has_doc_string(api)]
write_to_csv('missing_doc_string', missing_doc_string)
# 3. Do we really want to expose these modules? Consider:
# - Don't expose, e.g. taichi.lib, taichi.lang.type_factory_impl
# - Rename, short and representable, e.g. taichi.torch_io ->
# Ignore imported python modules and taichi module itself
top_level_modules = [name for api, name in top_level if isinstance(api, ModuleType) and api.__name__.startswith('taichi.')]
write_to_csv('top_level_modules', top_level_modules)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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