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Last active August 25, 2021 07:15
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# Authored by Yuanming Hu, Taichi Graphics.
import taichi as ti
max_num_particles = 1024
substeps = 10
spring_Y = 1000 # Young's modulus
drag_damping = 1
dashpot_damping = 100
particle_mass = 1.0
dt = 1e-3
connection_radius = 0.15
num_particles = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=())
# Boolean state
paused = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=())
# Container holding particle positions
x = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
# Container holding particle velocities
v = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
# Container holding particle forces
f = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=max_num_particles)
# Boolean state per particle
fixed = ti.field(dtype=ti.i32, shape=max_num_particles)
# rest_length[i, j] == 1: i and j are connected
# rest_length[i, j] == 0: i and j are NOT connected
rest_length = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32,
shape=(max_num_particles, max_num_particles))
def new_particle():
# TODO: what happens if you add a new fixed or free falling particle?
# Hints:
# 1. Save new particle i's position to the corresponding slot in `x`.
# 2. Compute the distance between i and any old particle j
# 3. Set rest_length[i, j] & rest_length[j, i] to 0.1 if their distance
# is smaller than `connection_radius`.
def substep():
# TODO: implement behavior of particles in a substep
# Hints:
# Using `d` as unit vector of distance between particle i and particle j.
# 1. Gravity for free falling particles)
# f = [0, -9.8] * particle_mass
# 2. Spring force between connected particles
# f += spring_Y * delta_length * d
# 3. Dashpot damping
# f += -dashpot_damping * delta_v_ij * d
# 4. Drag damping
# v *= exp(-dt * drag_damping)
# 5. force and velocity
# v += dt * f / particle_mass
# 6. velocity and position
# x += v * dt
# 7. Set window border
# Reset position to border if a particle falls out of the window.
def main():
gui = ti.GUI('Explicit Mass Spring System',
res=(512, 512),
while True:
for e in gui.get_events(ti.GUI.PRESS):
if e.key in [ti.GUI.ESCAPE, ti.GUI.EXIT]:
elif e.key == gui.SPACE:
paused[None] = not paused[None]
print('Paused: ', paused[None])
elif e.key == ti.GUI.LMB:
is_fixed = gui.is_pressed(ti.GUI.SHIFT)
state_str = 'fixed' if is_fixed else 'free falling'
print(f'Adding new {state_str} particle ({e.pos[0]}, {e.pos[1]})!')
elif e.key == 'c':
print('Clear everything')
num_particles[None] = 0
if not paused[None]:
for step in range(substeps):
X = x.to_numpy()
n = num_particles[None]
# Draw the springs
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
if rest_length[i, j] != 0:
gui.line(begin=X[i], end=X[j], radius=2, color=0x444444)
# Draw the particles
for i in range(n):
c = 0xFF0000 if fixed[i] else 0x111111[i], color=c, radius=5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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