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Created March 16, 2012 23:53
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NoMethodError: undefined method `width' for nil:NilClass
require 'ruboto/activity'
require 'ruboto/widget'
require 'ruboto/util/toast'
ruboto_import_widgets :Button, :TextView, :RelativeLayout
$activity.start_ruboto_activity "$sample_activity" do
setTitle 'Droidemo: A Ruboto Experiment'
def on_create(bundle)
self.content_view =
relative_layout(:id => 41, :layout => {:width= => :fill_parent}) do
@text_view = text_view :id => 42,
:text => 'Greetings, Outlander.'
@button = button :id => 43,
:text => "Pickpocket this NPC",
:width => :wrap_content,
:on_click_listener => @pick_pocket
@pick_pocket = proc do |view|
@text_view.text = 'Guards! Arrest this thief.'
@button.text = 'Activate Stealth'
toast '24 Gold added.'
@button.on_click_listener = @activate_stealth
@activate_stealth = proc do |view|
@text_view.text = "Hey! Where'd he go?"
@button.text = "Pickpocket this NPC"
toast 'You disappear into nearby shadows.'
@button.on_click_listener = @pick_pocket
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