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Last active February 17, 2019 20:25
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  • Save aimileus/e83db1f70344846d98f4e1aff071644b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Bashisms in fedora-toolbox 4cf58d5b729571152a6255404b9af4cc81dcac58
possible bashism in toolbox line 21 (should be >word 2>&1):
base_toolbox_command=$(basename "$0" 2>&42)
possible bashism in toolbox line 23 (should be '.', not 'source'):
source /etc/os-release
possible bashism in toolbox line 62 (should be >word 2>&1):
[ "$1" != "" ] && [ $1 -eq $1 2>&42 ]
possible bashism in toolbox line 73 (should be >word 2>&1):
rm --force --recursive "$directory" 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 77 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! touch "$directory/spinner-start" 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 83 (should be >word 2>&1):
tput civis 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 87 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$spinner_animation" | tr " " "\n" 2>&42 | while read frame; do
possible bashism in toolbox line 103 (should be >word 2>&1):
tput cnorm 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 105 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! touch "$directory/spinner-stop" 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 119 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! rm "$directory/spinner-start" 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 128 (should be >word 2>&1):
rm --force --recursive "$directory" 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 144 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah run $working_container_name -- \
sh -c 'rmdir /home && mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/home && ln -s var/home /home' 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 145 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo buildah rm $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 158 ($UID should be "$(id -ru)"):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah run $working_container_name -- useradd \
--home-dir $HOME \
--no-create-home \
--shell $SHELL \
--uid $UID \
--groups wheel \
>/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 158 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah run $working_container_name -- useradd \
--home-dir $HOME \
--no-create-home \
--shell $SHELL \
--uid $UID \
--groups wheel \
>/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 159 ($UID should be "$(id -ru)"):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: failed to create user $USER with UID $UID"
possible bashism in toolbox line 163 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah run $working_container_name -- passwd -d $USER >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 168 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah run $working_container_name -- passwd -d root >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 173 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --volume $HOME $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 178 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --volume $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 183 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --volume $dbus_system_bus_path $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 188 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --volume /dev/dri $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 193 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --volume /dev/fuse $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 198 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --user $USER $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 203 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah config --workingdir $HOME $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 221 (should be >word 2>&1):
dbus_system_bus_path=$(echo $dbus_system_bus_address | cut --delimiter = --fields 2 2>&42)
possible bashism in toolbox line 222 (should be >word 2>&1):
dbus_system_bus_path=$(readlink --canonicalize $dbus_system_bus_path 2>&42)
possible bashism in toolbox line 224 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: checking if image $toolbox_image already exists" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 226 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah inspect --type image $toolbox_image >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 227 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: trying to create working container $working_container_name" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 228 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: looking for image localhost/$base_toolbox_image" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 232 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo buildah from \
--name $working_container_name \
localhost/$base_toolbox_image >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 233 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: looking for image $registry/$fgc/$base_toolbox_image" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 235 (should be >word 2>&1):
if spinner_directory=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir $spinner_template 2>&42); then
possible bashism in toolbox line 247 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo buildah from \
--name $working_container_name \
$registry/$fgc/$base_toolbox_image >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 260 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: trying to configure working container $working_container_name" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 262 (should be >word 2>&1):
if spinner_directory=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir $spinner_template 2>&42); then
possible bashism in toolbox line 280 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo buildah rm $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 284 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: trying to create image $toolbox_image" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 286 (should be >word 2>&1):
if spinner_directory=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir $spinner_template 2>&42); then
possible bashism in toolbox line 296 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo buildah commit --rm $working_container_name $toolbox_image >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 304 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo buildah rm $working_container_name >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 309 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: created image $toolbox_image" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 312 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: checking if container $toolbox_container already exists" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 314 (should be >word 2>&1):
if $prefix_sudo podman inspect --type container $toolbox_container >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 319 (should be >word 2>&1):
total_ram=$(awk '( $1 == "MemTotal:" ) { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo 2>&42) # kibibytes
possible bashism in toolbox line 328 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: trying to create container $toolbox_container" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 330 (should be >word 2>&1):
if spinner_directory=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir $spinner_template 2>&42); then
possible bashism in toolbox line 359 ($UID should be "$(id -ru)"):
$prefix_sudo podman create \
--group-add wheel \
--hostname toolbox \
--interactive \
--name $toolbox_container \
--network host \
--privileged \
--security-opt label=disable \
--tmpfs /dev/shm:size=$tmpfs_size \
--tty \
--uidmap $UID:0:1 \
--uidmap 0:1:$UID \
--uidmap $uid_plus_one:$uid_plus_one:$max_minus_uid \
--volume $HOME:$HOME:rslave \
--volume $dbus_system_bus_path:$dbus_system_bus_path \
--volume /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
--volume /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse \
$toolbox_image \
/bin/sh >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 359 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo podman create \
--group-add wheel \
--hostname toolbox \
--interactive \
--name $toolbox_container \
--network host \
--privileged \
--security-opt label=disable \
--tmpfs /dev/shm:size=$tmpfs_size \
--tty \
--uidmap $UID:0:1 \
--uidmap 0:1:$UID \
--uidmap $uid_plus_one:$uid_plus_one:$max_minus_uid \
--volume $HOME:$HOME:rslave \
--volume $dbus_system_bus_path:$dbus_system_bus_path \
--volume /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
--volume /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse \
$toolbox_image \
/bin/sh >/dev/null 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 371 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: created container $toolbox_container" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 379 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: trying to start container $toolbox_container" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 381 (should be >word 2>&1):
if ! $prefix_sudo podman start $toolbox_container >/dev/null 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 390 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: looking for $SHELL in container $toolbox_container" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 392 (should be >word 2>&1):
if $prefix_sudo podman exec $toolbox_container test -f $SHELL 2>&42; then
possible bashism in toolbox line 395 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: $SHELL not found in $toolbox_container; using $shell_to_exec instead" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 398 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$base_toolbox_command: trying to exec $shell_to_exec in container $toolbox_container" >&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 427 (should be >word 2>&1):
$prefix_sudo podman exec \
$set_dbus_system_bus_address \
--env LANG=$LANG \
--env SHELL=$SHELL \
--env TERM=$TERM \
--interactive \
--tty \
$toolbox_container \
capsh --caps="" -- -c 'cd "$1"; export PS1="$2"; shift 2; exec "$@"' \
/bin/sh \
"$PWD" \
"$toolbox_prompt" \
$shell_to_exec -l 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 437 ($'...' should be "$(printf '...')"):
output=$($prefix_sudo podman images \
--filter "label=com.redhat.component=fedora-toolbox" \
--format "{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.Created}}" 2>&42 \
| sed "s/ \{2,\}/\t/g" 2>&42 \
| column --separator $'\t' --table --table-columns "IMAGE ID,IMAGE NAME,CREATED")
possible bashism in toolbox line 437 (should be >word 2>&1):
output=$($prefix_sudo podman images \
--filter "label=com.redhat.component=fedora-toolbox" \
--format "{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.Created}}" 2>&42 \
| sed "s/ \{2,\}/\t/g" 2>&42 \
| column --separator $'\t' --table --table-columns "IMAGE ID,IMAGE NAME,CREATED")
possible bashism in toolbox line 440 (echo -e):
echo -e "${LBC}Images created by toolbox${NC}"
possible bashism in toolbox line 456 ($'...' should be "$(printf '...')"):
output=$($prefix_sudo podman ps \
--all \
--filter "label=com.redhat.component=fedora-toolbox" \
--format "{{.ID}} {{.Names}} {{.Created}} {{.Status}} {{.Image}}" 2>&42 \
| sed "s/ \{2,\}/\t/g" 2>&42 \
| column \
--separator $'\t' \
--table \
possible bashism in toolbox line 456 (should be >word 2>&1):
output=$($prefix_sudo podman ps \
--all \
--filter "label=com.redhat.component=fedora-toolbox" \
--format "{{.ID}} {{.Names}} {{.Created}} {{.Status}} {{.Image}}" 2>&42 \
| sed "s/ \{2,\}/\t/g" 2>&42 \
| column \
--separator $'\t' \
--table \
possible bashism in toolbox line 459 (echo -e):
echo -e "${LBC}Containers created by toolbox${NC}"
possible bashism in toolbox line 460 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$output" | head --lines 1 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 462 (should be >word 2>&1):
echo "$output" | tail --lines +2 2>&42
possible bashism in toolbox line 466 (should be >word 2>&1):
container_id=$(echo $container | cut --delimiter " " --fields 1 2>&42)
possible bashism in toolbox line 467 (should be >word 2>&1):
is_running=$($prefix_sudo podman inspect $container_id --format "{{.State.Running}}" 2>&42)
possible bashism in toolbox line 469 (echo -e):
echo -e "${LGC}$container${NC}"
possible bashism in toolbox line 536 (should be >word 2>&1):
arg=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^F\|^f//' 2>&42)
possible bashism in toolbox line 542 (should be >word 2>&1):
if [ $arg -le 0 2>&42 ]; then
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