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Last active August 30, 2017 16:21
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Django Ajax Get Request (Example code)
# It is just a example and not completed code
from django.http import JsonResponse
def ix_detail_pix(request, *args):
""" Ajax PIX info if clicked on PIX """
pix_uuid = request.GET['pix']
data = {}
pix_infos = get_pix_amounts_info(pix_uuid)
data['asn_amount'] = pix_infos['asn_amount']
data['mlpav4_amount'] = pix_infos['mlpav4_amount']
data['mlpav6_amount'] = pix_infos['mlpav6_amount']
data['bilateral_amount'] = pix_infos['bilateral_amount']
data['switch_set'] = get_switch_infos(pix_uuid)
return JsonResponse(data)
// It is just a example and not completed code
$('document').ready(function() {
var last_clicked = ''
var pix_clicked = ''
//Actions if click to see PIX information
last_clicked = pix_clicked;
pix_clicked = $(this).attr("id");
*** AJAX request PIX click ***
url: '/core/'+code+'/ajax/pix-detail/',
data: {
'pix': pix_clicked,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
if (data != {}) {
// Function to apply the jQuery logic
} else {
alert("This PIX doesn't have any info.");
pix_clicked = '';
*** Function to show PIX Data ***
function ShowDataOnRequest(data){
// If Last PIX clicked is different of actual click it
// will append informations bhrought trhought request
// and show off them witha new style
if(last_clicked != pix_clicked){
$(".atmv4-info-" + pix_clicked).append(data.mlpav4_amount);
$(".atmv6-info-" + pix_clicked).append(data.mlpav6_amount);
$(".bilateral-info-" + pix_clicked).append(data.bilateral_amount);
for(index in data.switch_set){
$(".switchs-info-" + pix_clicked).append(
"<li><a class='data-switch' href='#' style='text-decoration: underline;'>"
+ data.switch_set[index].management_ip +
'</a> ' + data.switch_set[index].model +
" has " + data.switch_set[index].available_ports +
" available ports</li>");
$(".info-" + pix_clicked).show();
$("#" + pix_clicked + ", .info-" + pix_clicked).addClass("channel-list");
$(".icon-" + pix_clicked + "> i").removeClass("fa-chevron-circle-down");
$(".icon-" + pix_clicked + "> i").addClass("fa-chevron-circle-up");
// Verify if it is not the first click of user,
// to not apply this into nothing, because doens't exist last PIX clicked yet.
if(last_clicked != '') {
$(".info-" + last_clicked).hide();
$(".asn-info-" + last_clicked).empty();
$(".atmv4-info-" + last_clicked).empty();
$(".atmv6-info-" + last_clicked).empty();
$(".bilateral-info-" + last_clicked).empty();
$(".switchs-info-" + last_clicked).empty();
$("#" + last_clicked + ", .info-" + last_clicked).removeClass("channel-list");
$(".icon-" + last_clicked + "> i").removeClass("fa-chevron-circle-up");
$(".icon-" + last_clicked + "> i").addClass("fa-chevron-circle-down");
// Else it is user has clicked in the same PIX,
// not having been necessity of make a new AJAX request.
// Just show again the informations.
} else {
$(".info-" + pix_clicked).toggle();
//This if and else is just to fake toggle h6 style
if(!$(".info-" + pix_clicked).is(':visible')){
$("#" + last_clicked + ", .info-" + last_clicked).removeClass("channel-list");
$(".icon-" + last_clicked + "> i").removeClass("fa-chevron-circle-up");
$(".icon-" + last_clicked + "> i").addClass("fa-chevron-circle-down");
} else {
$("#" + pix_clicked + ", .info-" + pix_clicked).addClass("channel-list");
$(".icon-" + pix_clicked + "> i").removeClass("fa-chevron-circle-down");
$(".icon-" + pix_clicked + "> i").addClass("fa-chevron-circle-up");
# It is just a example and not completed code
def test_ix_view(self):
ix = self.response.context['ix']
self.assertEqual(ix.code, 'cpv')
self.assertEqual(ix.ipv4_prefix, '')
self.assertEqual(ix.ipv6_prefix, '2001:12f2::0/64')
amount_production_tags = self.response.context['amount_production_tags']
self.assertEqual(amount_production_tags, 3)
amount_available_tags = self.response.context['amount_available_tags']
self.assertEqual(amount_available_tags, 1)
c = Client()
resp = c.generic('GET', '/core/cpv/ajax/pix-detail/?pix=' + str(self.pix_tchaikovsky.uuid))
context = ast.literal_eval(resp.content.decode('UTF-8'))
self.assertEqual(context['asn_amount'], 4)
self.assertEqual(context['mlpav4_amount'], 3)
self.assertEqual(context['mlpav6_amount'], 1)
self.assertEqual(context['bilateral_amount'], 1)
self.assertEqual(context['switch_set']['0']['model'], '[ASR9002]')
self.assertEqual(context['switch_set']['0']['management_ip'], '')
# It is just a example and not completed code
ix_urls = [
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