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Last active August 8, 2016 12:13
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class DefaultController extends Controller
* Data settings from Database:
* wait_timeout 28800
* connect_timeout 10
* interactive_timeout 28800
* @var integer seconds
* Add param for component logger. Logger will log data in real time.
* Refresh Last Db ConnectionDataTime.
public function init()
\Yii::getLogger()->flushInterval = 1;
$this->refreshLastDbConnectionDataTime(); //First start Console application
* Refresh information about last connection to DateBase.
protected function refreshLastDbConnectionDataTime()
$this->last_db_conn_data_time = new \DateTime('now');
* Check timeout between last use database/mongodb connections.
* If connection "OLD"(delta time big),
* reconnect database/mongodb connections.
* @throws \Exception
protected function checkDbConnectionAndTimeoutDbManipulation()
if ($this->isLastDbConnectionDataTimeOld()) {
} else {
* Check interval between Last DB connection and Actual DateTime(NOW).
* Compare interval with constant.
* @return bool If OLD db connection TRUE |otherwise FALSE.
protected function isLastDbConnectionDataTimeOld()
$last_db_conn_data_time = $this->last_db_conn_data_time;
$now_data_time = new \DateTime('now');
$delta_last_db_conn = $now_data_time->getTimestamp() - $last_db_conn_data_time->getTimestamp();
return $delta_last_db_conn >= self::DB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
* Reconnect (refresh) Database connection.
* @throws \Exception
protected function reconnectDbConnection()
try {
$msg = 'Start reconnection database connection.';
\Yii::info($msg, get_class($this));
/** @var \yii\db\Connection $db2 */
$db2 = Yii::$app->get('db2');
/** @var \yii\db\Connection $mongodb */
$mongodb = Yii::$app->get('mongodb');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$msg = 'Error happen while reconnect database connection. System error: ' . $e->getMessage();
\Yii::error($msg, get_class($this));
throw $e;
class ExampleWorker extends DefaultController
public function actionStart(AMQPMessage $msg){
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