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Created February 22, 2019 15:55
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// // Imported and modified from to not clone elements and to be a bit clearer
// import * as React from "react";
// import { DraggableCore } from "react-draggable";
// type Axis = "both" | "x" | "y" | "none";
// interface State {
// resizing: boolean;
// width: number;
// height: number;
// slackW: number;
// slackH: number;
// }
// interface DragCallbackData {
// node: HTMLElement;
// x: number;
// y: number;
// deltaX: number;
// deltaY: number;
// lastX: number;
// lastY: number;
// }
// export interface ResizeCallbackData {
// node: HTMLElement;
// size: { width: number; height: number };
// }
// export interface Props {
// children: React.ReactElement<any>;
// className?: string | undefined;
// width: number;
// height: number;
// handleSize: [number, number];
// lockAspectRatio?: boolean;
// axis: Axis;
// minConstraints: [number, number];
// maxConstraints: [number, number];
// onResizeStop?: ((e: React.SyntheticEvent, data: ResizeCallbackData) => any) | undefined;
// onResizeStart?: ((e: React.SyntheticEvent, data: ResizeCallbackData) => any) | undefined;
// onResize?: ((e: React.SyntheticEvent, data: ResizeCallbackData) => any) | undefined;
// draggableOpts?: any | undefined;
// }
// export class Resizable extends React.Component<Props, State> {
// public static readonly defaultProps = {
// handleSize: [20, 20],
// lockAspectRatio: false,
// axis: "both",
// minConstraints: [20, 20],
// maxConstraints: [Infinity, Infinity]
// };
// public readonly state: State = {
// resizing: false,
// width: this.props.width,
// height: this.props.height,
// slackW: 0,
// slackH: 0
// };
// public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) {
// // If parent changes height/width, set that in our state.
// if (!this.state.resizing && (nextProps.width !== this.props.width || nextProps.height !== this.props.height)) {
// this.setState({
// width: nextProps.width,
// height: nextProps.height
// });
// }
// }
// public lockAspectRatio(width: number, height: number, aspectRatio: number): [number, number] {
// height = width / aspectRatio;
// width = height * aspectRatio;
// return [width, height];
// }
// // If you do this, be careful of constraints
// public runConstraints(width: number, height: number): [number, number] {
// const [min, max] = [this.props.minConstraints, this.props.maxConstraints];
// if (this.props.lockAspectRatio) {
// const ratio = this.state.width / this.state.height;
// height = width / ratio;
// width = height * ratio;
// }
// if (!min && !max) return [width, height];
// const [oldW, oldH] = [width, height];
// // Add slack to the values used to calculate bound position. This will ensure that if
// // we start removing slack, the element won't react to it right away until it's been
// // completely removed.
// let { slackW, slackH } = this.state;
// width += slackW;
// height += slackH;
// if (min) {
// width = Math.max(min[0], width);
// height = Math.max(min[1], height);
// }
// if (max) {
// width = Math.min(max[0], width);
// height = Math.min(max[1], height);
// }
// // If the numbers changed, we must have introduced some slack. Record it for the next iteration.
// slackW += oldW - width;
// slackH += oldH - height;
// if (slackW !== this.state.slackW || slackH !== this.state.slackH) {
// this.setState({ slackW, slackH });
// }
// return [width, height];
// }
// public resizeHandler(handlerName: string): Function {
// return (e: React.SyntheticEvent | MouseEvent, { node, deltaX, deltaY }: DragCallbackData) => {
// // Axis restrictions
// const canDragX = this.props.axis === "both" || this.props.axis === "x";
// const canDragY = this.props.axis === "both" || this.props.axis === "y";
// // Update w/h
// let width = this.state.width + (canDragX ? deltaX : 0);
// let height = this.state.height + (canDragY ? deltaY : 0);
// // Early return if no change
// const widthChanged = width !== this.state.width,
// heightChanged = height !== this.state.height;
// if (handlerName === "onResize" && !widthChanged && !heightChanged) return;
// [width, height] = this.runConstraints(width, height);
// // Set the appropriate state for this handler.
// const newState: Partial<State> = {};
// if (handlerName === "onResizeStart") {
// newState.resizing = true;
// } else if (handlerName === "onResizeStop") {
// newState.resizing = false;
// newState.slackW = newState.slackH = 0;
// } else {
// // Early return if no change after constraints
// if (width === this.state.width && height === this.state.height) return;
// newState.width = width;
// newState.height = height;
// }
// const callback = (this.props as any)[handlerName];
// if (callback) {
// if (typeof (e as any).persist === "function") (e as any).persist();
// this.setState(newState as State, () => callback(e, { node, size: { width, height } }));
// } else {
// this.setState(newState as State);
// }
// };
// }
// public render() {
// const {
// children,
// draggableOpts,
// width,
// height,
// handleSize,
// lockAspectRatio,
// axis,
// minConstraints,
// maxConstraints,
// onResize,
// onResizeStop,
// onResizeStart,
// ...p
// } = this.props;
// const className = p.className ? `${p.className} react-resizable` : "react-resizable";
// // What we're doing here is getting the child of this element, and cloning it with this element's props.
// // We are then defining its children as:
// // Its original children (resizable's child's children), and
// // A draggable handle.
// return cloneElement(children, {
// ...p,
// className,
// children: [
// children.props.children,
// <DraggableCore
// {...draggableOpts}
// key="resizableHandle"
// onStop={this.resizeHandler("onResizeStop")}
// onStart={this.resizeHandler("onResizeStart")}
// onDrag={this.resizeHandler("onResize")}
// >
// <span className="react-resizable-handle" />
// </DraggableCore>
// ]
// });
// }
// }
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