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Last active April 25, 2020 20:48
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Const MAX_RESULTS_SIZE As Long = 100
Public Function BaseLookup(ByVal Field As String, ParamArray Lookups() As Variant) As Variant
BaseLookup = FlexLookup_( _
Caller:=Application.Caller, ShtName:="BASE", _
Field:=Field, Grouped:=True, Sorted:=True, _
RowLookup:=False, _
End Function
Public Function RowLookup(ByVal ShtName As String, _
ByVal Grouped As Boolean, ByVal Sorted As Boolean, _
ParamArray Lookups() As Variant) As Variant
RowLookup = FlexLookup_( _
Caller:=Application.Caller, ShtName:=ShtName, _
Field:="", Grouped:=Grouped, Sorted:=Sorted, _
RowLookup:=True, _
End Function
Public Function MultiLookup(ByVal ShtName As String, ByVal Field As String, _
ByVal Grouped As Boolean, ByVal Sorted As Boolean, _
ParamArray Lookups() As Variant) As Variant
MultiLookup = FlexLookup_( _
Caller:=Application.Caller, ShtName:=ShtName, _
Field:=Field, Grouped:=Grouped, Sorted:=Sorted, _
End Function
Public Function TableLookup(ByVal ShtName As String, ByVal Fields As Variant, _
ParamArray Lookups() As Variant)
z = 1
TableLookup = FlexLookup_( _
Caller:=Application.Caller, ShtName:=ShtName, Sorted:=False, _
Fields:=Fields, ProtoLookups:=Lookups)
End Function
Private Function FlexLookup_( _
ByRef Caller As Variant, _
ByVal ShtName As String, _
ByVal ProtoLookups As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Field As String = "", Optional ByVal Fields As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Grouped As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Sorted As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal RowLookup As Boolean = False) As Variant
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' As a general rule of thumb, this function should not be accessed directly,
' but rather from one of its wrapper functions
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim L As Long, x As Long, ProtoSize As Long, _
FieldPos As Long, NonBlankFilters As Long, ResultSize As Long
Dim Results() As Variant, Matches() As Variant, MatchesPos As Variant, _
LookupFields() As Variant, LookupValues() As Variant, _
LookupPos() As Variant
Dim RowIndexLookup As Boolean
Dim Append As Boolean
Dim LastValue As Variant
Dim FieldCount As Long
ReDim Results(0 To 0) As Variant
ReDim Matches(0 To 0) As Variant
Dim PreviousResults As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim ThisResult As Variant
ReDim LookupFields(0 To 0) As Variant
ReDim LookupValues(0 To 0) As Variant
ReDim LookupPos(0 To 0) As Variant
RowIndexLookup = False
On Error Resume Next
If IsNumeric(Field) Then RowIndexLookup = True
On Error GoTo 0
FieldPos = GetFieldPos(ShtName, Field)
' If we're trying to retrieve a single field and can't find it, then raise an error
If Field <> "" And FieldPos = 0 And Not RowIndexLookup Then GoTo RaiseNoMatchForField
NumberOfFields = 1
If Arrays.IsArrayAllocated(Fields) Then NumberOfFields = UBound(Fields)
If Field = "" Then
'NumberOfFields = 0
ReDim ThisResult(0 To NumberOfFields - 1)
ReDim MatchesPos(0 To NumberOfFields - 1) As Variant
For x = 1 To NumberOfFields
' We must cast the value to string to account for formulas in the
' lookup filters
MatchesPos(x - 1) = GetFieldPos(ShtName, CStr(Fields(x)))
End If
If (RowIndexLookup = False And FieldPos = 0 And Field <> "") Or ShtName = "" Or Field = "" Then FlexLookup_ = Results
' If this is being called from a worksheet, there must be a selection range where the
' results will go, so we can stop iterating once we reach that number
' If there's no Caller.Rows/Caller.Columns, though, then just use the default 100
On Error Resume Next
CallerRows = 0
CallerCols = 0
CallerRows = Caller.Rows.Count
CallerCols = Caller.Columns.Count
MaxResultsSize = CallerRows * CallerCols
On Error GoTo 0
If MaxResultsSize = 0 Then MaxResultsSize = MAX_RESULTS_SIZE
' Make Lookups() from the ProtoLookups() sent from the wrapper functions
If Not IsMissing(ProtoLookups) Then
ReDim Lookups(0 To UBound(ProtoLookups))
For x = LBound(ProtoLookups) To UBound(ProtoLookups)
' We must cast the value to string to account for formulas in the
' lookup filters
Lookups(x) = CStr(ProtoLookups(x))
' Set some defaults before starting the loop
L = UBound(Lookups) - LBound(Lookups) + 1
NonBlankFilters = L
End If
FieldCount = 0
ResultsSize = 0
x = 0
If L > 0 Then
For i = LBound(Lookups) To UBound(Lookups) Step 2
If ((Lookups(i) <> "") And (Lookups(i + 1) <> "")) Then
FieldCount = FieldCount + 1
NonBlankFilters = NonBlankFilters - 2
End If
If NonBlankFilters > 0 Then FieldCount = FieldCount - 1
ReDim LookupFields(0 To FieldCount)
ReDim LookupValues(0 To FieldCount)
ReDim LookupPos(0 To FieldCount)
If NonBlankFilters <= 0 Then GoTo StartReturn
x = 0
For i = LBound(Lookups) To UBound(Lookups) Step 2
If ((Lookups(i) <> "") And (Lookups(i + 1) <> "")) Then
LookupFields(x) = CStr(Lookups(i))
LookupValues(x) = CStr(Lookups(i + 1))
LookupPos(x) = GetFieldPos(ShtName, Lookups(i))
x = x + 1
End If
Next i
x = 0
FieldCount = 0
End If
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ShtName)
lastrow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
For xRow = 2 To lastrow Step 1
Append = True
If L = 0 Or NonBlankFilters = 0 Then
If RowIndexLookup = True Then
InsertedValue = xRow
ElseIf Field = "" Then
For x = LBound(MatchesPos) To UBound(MatchesPos)
s = .Cells(xRow, MatchesPos(x)).Value
ThisResult(x) = s
InsertedValue = .Cells(xRow, FieldPos).Value
InsertedValueLength = Len(InsertedValue)
End If
For xField = LBound(LookupFields) To UBound(LookupFields)
Rowvalue = .Cells(xRow, LookupPos(xField)).Value
If LookupValues(xField) <> "" And CStr(Rowvalue) <> LookupValues(xField) Then
Append = False
GoTo SkipAppending
End If
Next xField
If RowIndexLookup Then
InsertedValue = xRow
ElseIf Field = "" Then
For x = LBound(MatchesPos) To UBound(MatchesPos)
s = .Cells(xRow, MatchesPos(x)).Value
ThisResult(x) = s
InsertedValue = SHA1HASH(Join(ThisResult, ""))
InsertedValueLength = 1
InsertedValue = .Cells(xRow, FieldPos).Value
InsertedValueLength = Len(InsertedValue)
End If
End If
'Prevent errors in cells from propagating through the Function
If IsError(InsertedValue) Then
Append = False
InsertedValue = ""
InsertedValueLength = 0
End If
If Append = True And LastValue <> InsertedValue And InsertedValueLength > 0 Then
Inserted = False
If Field = "" Then
LastValue = SHA1HASH(Join(ThisResult, ""))
Inserted = AppendToArrayUniquely(Matches, ThisResult, PreviousResults, InsertedValue)
PreviousResults.Add InsertedValue, 1
z = 1
LastValue = InsertedValue
Inserted = AppendToArrayUniquely(Matches, InsertedValue)
z = 1
End If
If Inserted = True Then
'If Field = "" Then
ResultsSize = ResultsSize + 1 * NumberOfFields
' ResultsSize = ResultsSize + 1
'End If
If ResultsSize >= MaxResultsSize Then GoTo ReturnResults
End If
End If
Next xRow
End With
If Sorted And Field <> "" Then
Call QSortInPlace(Matches)
End If
On Error GoTo SimpleReturn
'If IsError(Application.Caller) Then GoTo SimpleReturn
If Field <> "" Then
FlexLookup_ = ReturnArray(Matches, Caller)
FlexLookup_ = ReturnTable(Matches, Caller)
End If
GoTo ExitCleanly
FlexLookup_ = Matches
GoTo ExitCleanly
FlexLookup_ = 0
GoTo ExitCleanly
FlexLookup_ = "Error 1: No match for field '" & Field & "'."
GoTo ExitCleanly
Set PreviousResults = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function UniqueLookup(Field As String, Optional Sorted As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim FieldPos As Long, xRow As Long, ReturnRows As Long
Dim Results() As Variant
ReDim Results(0 To 0) As Variant
FieldPos = GetFieldPos(Field)
ResultsSize = 0
'MaxResultsSize = 10000
MaxResultsSize = Application.Caller.Rows.Count * Application.Caller.Columns.Count
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Base")
lastrow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
For xRow = 2 To lastrow Step 1
InsertedValue = .Cells(xRow, FieldPos).Value
If LastValue <> InsertedValue Then
LastValue = InsertedValue
Inserted = False
Inserted = AppendToArrayUniquely(Results, InsertedValue)
If Inserted = True Then
ResultsSize = ResultsSize + 1
If ResultsSize >= MaxResultsSize Then GoTo ReturnResults
End If
End If
Next xRow
End With
If Sorted Then
Call QSortInPlace(Results)
End If
On Error GoTo SimpleReturn
UniqueLookup = ReturnArray(Results, Application.Caller)
Exit Function
UniqueLookup = Results
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function GetFieldPos(ByVal ShtName As String, ByVal Field As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
With Application.WorksheetFunction
GetFieldPos = .Match(Field, ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ShtName).Range("1:1"), 0)
Exit Function
End With
GetFieldPos = 0
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function GetPivotTerra(ByVal DataFieldName As String, ByRef PTRange As Range, ParamArray OpArgs() As Variant) As Variant
If IsMissing(OpArgs) Then
GetPivotTerra = 0
GoTo Ex
End If
With Application
SU = .ScreenUpdating
CU = .Calculation
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
Dim PT As PivotTable
Dim DataField As PivotField
Set PT = PTRange.PivotTable
Dim ParsedArgs As Variant
ReDim ParsedArgs(0 To 0)
Dim x As Long
x = 0
'Step through each pair of arguments and check if both values are non-empty
For i = LBound(OpArgs) To UBound(OpArgs) Step 2
If OpArgs(i + 1) = "" Then GoTo SkipEmpty
If x = 0 Then
ParsedArgs(x) = OpArgs(i)
Call InsertElementIntoArray(ParsedArgs, x, OpArgs(i))
End If
On Error GoTo IsStr
thisValue = CLng(OpArgs(i + 1))
GoTo IsLng
thisValue = CStr(OpArgs(i + 1))
Resume Next
Call InsertElementIntoArray(ParsedArgs, x + 1, thisValue) 'from Chip Pearson's arrays module
x = x + 2
Select Case UBound(ParsedArgs) - LBound(ParsedArgs) + 1
Case 2
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1))
Case 4
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3))
Case 6
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5))
Case 8
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7))
Case 10
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9))
Case 12
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11))
Case 14
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11), _
ParsedArgs(12), ParsedArgs(13))
Case 16
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11), _
ParsedArgs(12), ParsedArgs(13), ParsedArgs(14), ParsedArgs(15))
Case 18
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11), _
ParsedArgs(12), ParsedArgs(13), ParsedArgs(14), ParsedArgs(15), _
ParsedArgs(16), ParsedArgs(17))
Case 20
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11), _
ParsedArgs(12), ParsedArgs(13), ParsedArgs(14), ParsedArgs(15), _
ParsedArgs(16), ParsedArgs(17), ParsedArgs(18), ParsedArgs(19))
Case 22
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11), _
ParsedArgs(12), ParsedArgs(13), ParsedArgs(14), ParsedArgs(15), _
ParsedArgs(16), ParsedArgs(17), ParsedArgs(18), ParsedArgs(19), _
ParsedArgs(20), ParsedArgs(21))
Case 24
GetPivotTerra = PT.GetPivotData(DataFieldName, _
ParsedArgs(0), ParsedArgs(1), ParsedArgs(2), ParsedArgs(3), _
ParsedArgs(4), ParsedArgs(5), ParsedArgs(6), ParsedArgs(7), _
ParsedArgs(8), ParsedArgs(9), ParsedArgs(10), ParsedArgs(11), _
ParsedArgs(12), ParsedArgs(13), ParsedArgs(14), ParsedArgs(15), _
ParsedArgs(16), ParsedArgs(17), ParsedArgs(18), ParsedArgs(19), _
ParsedArgs(20), ParsedArgs(21), ParsedArgs(22), ParsedArgs(23))
Case Else
GetPivotTerra = 0
GoTo Ex
End Select
'Restore original application status
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = SU
.Calculation = CU
End With
End Function
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