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Created July 25, 2018 20:56
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Anne Pro AutoHotkey (AHK) Script
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
; The above lets you use hotkeys at the bottom end of the file on keyboards other than Anne and emulate the Fn Caps behavior
Menu, Tray, Icon, %A_WorkingDir%\anne.ico,, 1
<+J::Send, +{Left}
<+K::Send, +{Down}
<+L::Send, +{Right}
<+I::Send, +{Up}
<+#J::Send, +#{Left}
<+#K::Send, +#{Down}
<+#L::Send, +#{Right}
<+#I::Send, +#{Up}
<+^J::Send, +^{Left}
<+^K::Send, +^{Down}
<+^L::Send, +^{Right}
<+^I::Send, +^{Up}
<^J::Send, ^{Left}
<^K::Send, ^{Down}
<^L::Send, ^{Right}
<^I::Send, ^{Up}
<!J::Send, !{Left}
<!K::Send, !{Down}
<!L::Send, !{Right}
<!I::Send, !{Up}
<+[::Send, +{Home}
<+]::Send, +{End}
<+`;::Send, +{PgUp}
<+'::Send, +{PgDn}
<^[::Send, ^{Home}
<^]::Send, ^{End}
<^`;::Send, ^{PgUp}
<^'::Send, ^{PgDn}
<+^[::Send, ^+{Home}
<+^]::Send, ^+{End}
<+^`;::Send, ^+{PgUp}
<+^'::Send, ^+{PgDn}
>+F1::Send, {!}
>+F2::Send, {@}
>+F3::Send, {#}
>+F4::Send, {$}
>+F5::Send, `%
>+F6::Send, {^}
>+F7::Send, {&}
>+F8::Send, {*}
>+F9::Send, {(}
>+F10::Send, {)}
>+F11::Send, {_}
>+F12::Send, {+}
#F1::Send, #{1}
^F1::Send, ^{1}
<+<^F1::Send, +^{1}
<+<^F2::Send, +^{2}
<+<^F3::Send, +^{3}
<+<^F4::Send, +^{4}
<+<^F5::Send, +^{5}
<+<^F6::Send, +^{6}
<+<^F7::Send, +^{7}
<+<^F8::Send, +^{8}
<+<^F9::Send, +^{9}
<+<^F10::Send, +^{10}
<+<^F11::Send, +^{11}
<+<^F12::Send, +^{12}
<^F1::Send, ^{1}
<^F2::Send, ^{2}
<^F3::Send, ^{3}
<^F4::Send, ^{4}
<^F5::Send, ^{5}
<^F6::Send, ^{6}
<^F7::Send, ^{7}
<^F8::Send, ^{8}
<^F9::Send, ^{9}
<^F10::Send, ^{10}
<^F11::Send, ^{11}
<^F12::Send, ^{12}
#IfWinActive ahk_class VirtualConsoleClass
F1::Send, {1}
F2::Send, {2}
F3::Send, {3}
F4::Send, {4}
F5::Send, {5}
F6::Send, {6}
F7::Send, {7}
F8::Send, {8}
F9::Send, {9}
F10::Send, {0}
F11::Send, {-}
F12::Send, {=}
#IfWinActive ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32
F11::Send, {F11}
F12::Send, {F12}
<^F11::Send, <{F11}
<^F12::Send, <{F12}
; Emulating Fn Caps behavior for non-Anne keyboards
; TODO: Add more hotkeys
CapsLock & i::send {Blind}{Up}
CapsLock & k::send {Blind}{Down}
CapsLock & j::send {Blind}{Left}
CapsLock & l::send {Blind}{Right}
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