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Created March 29, 2017 15:45
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bit packing
local Smash = {}
local FULL_BYTE = 256
local INV_BYTE = 1 / FULL_BYTE
local char, floor = string.char, math.floor
local tinsert, tconcat = table.insert, table.concat
local function bytesToString (byteArray)
for i = 1, #byteArray do byteArray[i] = char(byteArray[i]) end
return tconcat(byteArray)
local function packBytes (num)
local out = {}
while num > 0 do
out[#out + 1] = num % FULL_BYTE
num = floor(num * INV_BYTE)
return out
function Smash.packArray (ints, bits)
local num = 0
for i = 1, #ints do num = num * 2 ^ bits + ints[i] end
return bytesToString(packBytes(num))
function Smash.packFields (ints, fields)
local num = 0
for i = 1, #fields do num = num * 2 ^ fields[i] + (ints[i] or 0) end
return bytesToString(packBytes(num))
local function unpackBytes (str)
for i = #str, 1, -1 do num = num * FULL_BYTE + str:byte(i) end
local function unpackInt (num, bits, out)
local mod = 2 ^ bits
tinsert(out, 1, num % mod)
return floor(num / mod)
function Smash.unpackArray (str, bits)
local num, out = unpackBytes(str), {}
while num > 0 do num = unpackInt(num, bits, out) end
return out
function Smash.unpackFields (str, fields)
local num, out = unpackBytes(str), {}
for i = #fields, 1, -1 do num = unpackInt(num, fields[i], out) end
return out
local triples = { [0] = '000', '001', '010', '011', '100', '101', '110', '111' }
local function toByte (d) return triples[tonumber(d)] end
-- takes a number and returns a string with a binary representation.
function Smash.toBinary (n)
return ('%o'):format(n):gsub('.', toByte):gsub('^0*', '')
return Smash
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