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# An example of enabling WIFI and connecting to WEP/WPA/WPA2 wireless network.
# Here setup your network information.
# Enable WLAN.
ifconfig wlan0 up
// An example of recovering the old taste of req.files under Express 4.
var app = require('express')();
// As body-parser won't parse multipart/form-data, we use connect-multiparty to do this.
// There are some other alternatives, for example, formidable, busboy, and multiparty, etc.
app.use(require('connect-multiparty')());'/', function(req, res) {
// An example of using yield to simplify the callback hell.
// The limitation is, this only apply to whose callbacks take the normal form of function(err, result), more arguments are ignored.
// Maybe there are many workarounds, but keep it simple, the ECMAScript 6 is around the corner.
// Issues:
// 1. If you yield your syncTask(callback), it will complain that "Generator is already running."
// An solution is yield setTimeout(callback, 0) in your syncTask(callback).
function Async(task) {
// An example of decrypting AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding-encrypted buffer in node.js.
// Hope this gist will help you. Feel free to discuss with me.
var crypto = require('crypto');
// Change this to fit your needs.
// The buffer of your raw password.
var keyBuffer = new Buffer('12345678');
// The buffer of your data to be decrypted.
var encryptedBuffer = new Buffer('12345678');