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Last active January 30, 2019 23:41
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vue-crud-x - Page.vue
<div id="not-needed">
<v-layout row wrap>
<v-flex xs12>
<vue-crud-x ref="book-pages-table" storeName="book-pages-table" :parentId="parentId" v-bind="pageDefs">
<template slot="filter" slot-scope="{ filterData, parentId, storeName }">
<div>{{ storeName }} ( HasParent: {{ !!parentId }}) {{ filterData }}</div>
<template slot="form" slot-scope="{ record, parentId, storeName }">
<h1>{{ storeName }} ( HasParent: {{ !!parentId }})</h1>
<v-text-field label="Content" v-model="record.content"></v-text-field>
import { makeCsvRow, exportCsv } from '@/assets/util'
import { http } from '@/axios'
import VueCrudX from '@/VueCrudX'
export default {
name: 'book-pages',
components: { VueCrudX },
data () {
return {
parentId: null,
pageDefs: {
crudTable: {
saveRow: '#ffaaaa', // add save row button & specify color when row is changed, used with inline edit only and action column
inlineReload: { // default true, set to false and use snapshot for large firestore dataset (or similar mechanisms where reads are chargeable)
update: true, create: true, delete: true
addrowCreate: [
{ field: 'content', label: 'Content' }
], // add button creates new record by adding row, you can specified fields that use needs to pre-enter data,
inline: { // editable fields on the table and what type of edit are they
// fields supported v-text-field, v-select, v-combobox, v-autocomplete, v-textarea, v-date-picker, v-time-picker
'content': {
field: 'v-text-field', // v-text-field (blur will update contents if it was changed)
attrs: {
type: 'text', // number, email, password
class: ['caption']
onCreatedOpenForm: false, // open form on created - need to have to show info, this is true in cases when you want to go back to the parent form and not parent table
onRowClickOpenForm: false, // set to false of you do not want row click to open form
// name: 'book-pages',
headers: [
{ text: 'Action', value: '', fixed: true, sortable: false, class: 'pa-1' },
{ text: 'Page Content', value: 'content', align: 'left', sortable: false }
formatters: (value, _type) => { return value },
showGoBack: true // do not show go back
crudFilter: { FilterVue: null, filterData: { } },
crudForm: {
FormVue: () => {},
formAutoData: null,
defaultRec: {
id: null, content: '', bookId: null
crudOps: { // CRUD
export: async (payload) => { // export data
try {
const { data: { results, total } } = await http.get(`/api/books/${parentId}/pages`, {
params: { page: 0, limit: 25 }
let csvContent = ''
results.forEach(row => {
csvContent = makeCsvRow(csvContent, row, `\r\n`, ';')
exportCsv(csvContent, 'party.csv')
} catch (e) { }
find: async (payload) => {
let records = []
const { pagination, parentId } = payload // filterData // pagination: { sortBy, descending }
const { page, rowsPerPage } = pagination
try {
const { data: { results, total } } = await http.get(`/api/books/${parentId}/pages`, {
params: {
page: page > 0 ? page - 1 : 0,
limit: rowsPerPage
results.forEach(row => { records.push(row) })
pagination.totalItems = total
} catch (e) { }
return { records, pagination }
findOne: (payload) => {},
create: async (payload) => {
try {
let { record: { content }, parentId } = payload
const rv = await`/api/books/${parentId}/pages`, { content })
} catch (e) { return 500 }
return 201
update: async (payload) => {
try {
let { record: { id, content } } = payload
const rv = await http.patch(`/api/pages/${id}`, { content })
} catch (e) { return 500 }
return 200
'delete': async (payload) => {
try {
let { id } = payload
const rv = await http.delete(`/api/pages/${id}`)
} catch (e) { return 500 }
return 200
mounted () {
this.parentId = this.$
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