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Last active October 16, 2015 20:34
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Terrible non-deterministic parser combinators that you shouldn't use
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
parse :: Eq a => Parser tk a -> [tk] -> Maybe [a]
parse p tk = case runParser p tk of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> Just $ nub $ map snd xs
newtype Parser tk a = Parser { runParser' :: [tk] -> [([tk], a)] }
runParser :: Parser tk a -> [tk] -> [([tk],a)]
runParser ps [] = runParser' ps []
runParser ps tk = runParser' ps tk <> runParser ps (tail tk)
instance Functor (Parser tk) where
fmap f ps = Parser $ fmap (fmap f) . runParser ps
instance Applicative (Parser tk) where
pure x = Parser $ \ tks -> [(tks, x)]
fs <*> xs = Parser $ \ tks ->
[ (tks'', fs' xs')
| (tks', fs') <- runParser fs tks
, (tks'', xs') <- runParser xs tks'
instance Monad (Parser tk) where
xs >>= fs = Parser $ \ tks ->
[ (tks'', rs)
| (tks', ys) <- runParser xs tks
, (tks'', rs) <- runParser (fs ys) tks'
token :: Eq tk => tk -> Parser tk tk
token tk = satisfies (sat (== tk))
sat :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
sat f x | f x = Just x
sat _ _ = Nothing
satisfies :: (tk -> Maybe a) -> Parser tk a
satisfies f = Parser go
where go (x:xs)
| Just r <- f x = [(xs, r)]
go tks = []
sampleParser :: Parser String String
sampleParser = do
token "["
r <- satisfies $ sat $ all isDigit
token "]"
return r
r1 :: Maybe [String]
r1 = parse sampleParser $ words "[ 30 ]"
r2 :: Maybe [String]
r2 = parse sampleParser $ words "these [ bits 30 get ] ignored"
r3 :: Maybe [String]
r3 = parse sampleParser $ words "these [ bits 30 50 get ] ignored"
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