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Created June 1, 2016 06:09
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A basic application written using ssh-hans
module Main where
Here is a real---if not particularly interesting---interaction with this server:
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost incr
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost incr
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost double
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost get
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost decr
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost add 22
[gdritter@armilla ~]$ ssh -p 9999 localhost get
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, modifyIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Network ( PortID(..)
, Socket
, listenOn
, accept
, withSocketsDo
import Network.SSH.Server ( Server(..)
, ServerCredential
, SessionHandlers(..)
, HandleLike
, AuthResult(AuthAccepted)
, loadPrivateKeys
, handle2HandleLike
, sshServer
-- we hard-code in the port number and location of the private keys
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn (PortNumber 9999)
keys <- loadPrivateKeys "server-keys"
ref <- newIORef 0
sshServer (server ref sock keys)
-- Our SSH server structure. the sDebugLevel should be non-zero if we want richer
-- debug output
server :: IORef Int -> Socket -> [ServerCredential] -> Server
server ref sock keys = Server
{ sAccept = handleConnection ref sock
, sAuthenticationAlgs = keys
, sVersion = "SSH_Hans_Test_0.1"
, sDebugLevel = 0
-- This accepts every connection for ease of use, and doesn't accept any kind
-- of connection other than executing commands: it will refuse any request
-- to create a shell, for example. The commands in question are described below,
-- but all are simple textual commands that manipulate a stored integer value.
handleConnection :: IORef Int -> Socket -> IO (SessionHandlers, HandleLike)
handleConnection ref sock = do
(handle, _, _) <- accept sock
let handlers = SessionHandlers
{ cOpenShell = \ _ _ _ _ _ -> return False
, cDirectTcp = \ _ _ _ _ -> return False
, cRequestSubsystem = \ _ _ _ -> return False
, cRequestExec = \ cmd _ write -> do
_ <- forkIO (runCmd ref cmd write)
return True
, cAuthHandler = \ _ _ _ _ -> do
return AuthAccepted
return (handlers, handle2HandleLike handle)
-- Our command language manipulated a single integer value in small
-- ways, and can result in a value being printed.
runCmd :: IORef Int -> ByteString -> (Maybe ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runCmd ref cmd write = case BS.split 32 cmd of
["incr"] -> runAction (+1)
["double"] -> runAction (*2)
["decr"] -> runAction (\ x -> x - 1)
["add", val] ->
let num = read (unpack val)
in runAction (+num)
["get"] -> do
n <- readIORef ref
respond (pack (show n))
_ -> respond usage
where respond msg = write (Just (msg <> "\n")) >> write Nothing
runAction f = modifyIORef ref f >> respond "ok."
-- The usage string is printed if the command given is not valid.
usage :: ByteString
usage = "Command must be one of:\n incr\n decr\n double\n add [num]\n get\n"
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