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Created August 19, 2016 18:43
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A quick naïve Haskell implementation
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Array
import Data.Ix
import System.Random (randomIO)
-- A 'Size' is just a pair of Ints
type Pair = (Int, Int)
-- An 'Image' is a packed, pair-indexed array
type Image a = Array Pair a
-- Keep a value between two min/max values
clamp :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
clamp min max x
| x < min = min
| x > max = max
| otherwise = x
-- Create a grid of random floats
mkInitial :: Pair -> IO (Image Float)
mkInitial (w,h) = do
rs <- sequence [ sequence ((x, y), randomIO)
| x <- [1..w]
, y <- [1..h]
return (array ((1,1), (w,h)) rs)
-- Create a new image from an old image by choosing a new value
-- for each grid square based on the averages of two neighborhoods
-- around the old value
step :: Image Float -> Image Float
step img = img // [ (i,
clamp 0.0 1.0 $
if getAround i 5 img >
getAround i 10 img
then v + 0.05
else v - 0.05)
| i <- indices img
, let v = img ! i
-- Get the average of the Floats within a given radius
-- of a point, calculated via Manhattan distance
getAround :: Pair -> Int -> Image Float -> Float
getAround (x, y) n img =
let bs = bounds img
in average [ img ! idx
| j <- [-n..n]
, k <- [-n..n]
, let idx = (x + j, y + k)
, inRange bs idx
-- Take the average of a list of Floats
average :: [Float] -> Float
average xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)
-- Convert a grid of Floats into a grid of Ints
discretize :: Int -> Image Float -> Image Int
discretize n = fmap (floor . (* (fromIntegral n)))
-- Print an 'Image' as a PBM file
pPBM :: Int -> Image Int -> IO ()
pPBM max arr = do
putStrLn "P2"
let ((wb, hb), (wm, hm)) = bounds arr
(w, h) = (wm - wb + 1, hm - hb + 1)
putStrLn (show w ++ " " ++ show h)
putStrLn (show max)
forM_ [wb..wm] $ \x -> do
forM_ [] $ \y -> do
putStr (show (arr ! (x,y)))
putStr " "
putStrLn ""
-- Repeatedly apply a function
iter :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
iter 0 _ x = x
iter n f x = f (iter (n-1) f x)
main :: IO ()
main = do
i <- mkInitial (256,256)
let j = iter 25 step i
pPBM 128 (discretize 128 j)
return ()
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