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Created April 13, 2020 18:39
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#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform float u_time;
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
vec2 rotate2D(vec2 _st, float _angle){
_st -= 0.5;
_st = mat2(cos(_angle),-sin(_angle),
sin(_angle),cos(_angle)) * _st;
_st += 0.5;
return _st;
vec2 tile(vec2 _st, float _zoom){
_st *= _zoom;
return fract(_st);
float box(vec2 _st, vec2 _size, float _smoothEdges){
_size = vec2(0.5)-_size*0.5;
vec2 aa = vec2(_smoothEdges*0.5);
vec2 uv = smoothstep(_size,_size+aa,_st);
uv *= smoothstep(_size,_size+aa,vec2(1.0)-_st);
return uv.x*uv.y;
void main(void){
vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy/u_resolution.xy;
vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
float zoom = 10.;
float p = u_time;
float q = -u_time;
if (fract(st.y*zoom*0.5) > 0.5){
p = -u_time;
q = u_time;
st = tile(st,zoom);
vec2 origSt = st;
st = rotate2D(st,PI*0.25+p);
vec2 st2 = rotate2D(origSt,PI*0.25+q);
color = vec3(box(st,vec2(0.7),0.01) - box(st2,vec2(0.2),0.01));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.0);
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