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Created June 4, 2020 13:42
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Tracking Effects in ReasonML
module Eff: {
type t('t, 'a);
let make: (unit => 'a) => t('t, 'a);
let run: t('t, 'a) => 'a;
let map: (t('t, 'a), 'a => 'b) => t('t, 'b);
let join: t('t, t('t, 'a)) => t('t, 'a);
let bind: (t('t, 'a), 'a => t('t, 'b)) => t('t, 'b);
} = {
type t('t, 'a) = unit => 'a;
let make: (unit => 'a) => t('t, 'a) = m => m;
let run: t('t, 'a) => 'a = m => m();
let map: (t('t, 'a), 'a => 'b) => t('t, 'b) =
(m, f) => make(() => f(m->run));
let join: t('t, t('t, 'a)) => t('t, 'a) = m => make(() => m->run->run);
let bind: (t('t, 'a), 'a => t('t, 'b)) => t('t, 'b) =
(m, f) => m->map(a => f(a))->join;
module Bind = {
let let_ = Eff.bind;
module Map = {
let let_ =;
type method =
| Get
| Post;
type req = {
body: string,
header: string,
type res = {
body: string,
status: int,
type db;
type route =
| Get({
path: string,
handler: req => Eff.t([ | `read(db)], res),
| Post({
path: string,
handler: req => Eff.t([ | `read(db) | `write(db)], res),
// APP
type user = {
username: string,
uid: int,
let createUser: string => Eff.t([> | `write(db)], user) =
username => Eff.make(() => {username, uid: 1});
let lookupUser: string => Eff.t([> | `read(db)], option(user)) =
username => Eff.make(() => Some({username, uid: 1}));
let signupPage = req => {
let username = req.header;
let%Bind user = lookupUser(username);
switch (user) {
| Some(_) =>
Eff.make(() =>
{body: "A user with this username already exists!", status: 400}
| None =>
let%Map _ = createUser(username);
{body: "Created User with name " ++ username, status: 200};
let getUser = req => {
let%Map user = lookupUser(req.header);
switch (user) {
| Some(user) => {body: user_encode(user)->Js.Json.stringify, status: 200}
| None => {body: "Not found user " ++ req.header, status: 404}
let routes = [
Get({path: "/user", handler: getUser}),
Post({path: "/signup", handler: signupPage}),
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