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Created November 11, 2021 10:47
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# build a nested lxd lxd ;) container using the host zfs
set -o errexit
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "usage $0 hostname cluster_host [ pool_name ] [ cluster_password ]"
echo "usage $0 lxd3 lxd1 rpool/lxd3"
set -x
echo building $name
:; lxc delete $name --force || true
:; lxc launch images:centos/8 $name -c security.nesting=true -c security.privileged=true
:; lxc config device add $name zfs unix-char path=/dev/zfs
# networking
:; ip=$(getent hosts $name | cut -d' ' -f 1); echo got IP $ip
while [[ -z "$(lxc --quiet ls --format csv lxd3 -c 4)" ]]; do sleep 1; done
# get the first ethernet device
:; netdev=$(lxc exec $name -- nmcli --terse -f DEVICE,TYPE device status < /dev/null | fgrep ethernet | head -1| cut -d: -f1)
# clean up everything
:; lxc exec $name -- nmcli --terse -f UUID con show < /dev/null | xargs -r lxc exec $name -- nmcli con del
# add the bridge
:; lxc exec $name -- nmcli con add con-name br0 ifname br0 type bridge stp no ip4 $ip/23 gw4 ipv4.dns ipv4.dns-search
# and the eth itself
:; lxc exec $name -- nmcli con add con-name $netdev ifname $netdev type ethernet master br0
# install software
:; rel=$(lxc exec $name -- cat /etc/centos-release | tr -dc "0-9." | cut -d. -f1-2 | tr . _ )
:; lxc exec $name -- dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core$rel.noarch.rpm
:; lxc exec $name -- dnf config-manager --disable zfs
:; lxc exec $name -- dnf config-manager --enable zfs-kmod
:; lxc exec $name -- dnf -y install snapd zfs openssh-server
:; lxc exec $name -- systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
:; lxc exec $name -- systemctl enable --now snapd
:; lxc exec $name -- systemctl mask zfs-mount zfs-zed zfs-share
:; lxc exec $name -- dnf -y install fuse squashfuse fuse-overlayfs snapd less strace nmap socat
# sometimes this fails with udev or snap mount errors
until lxc exec $name -- snap install lxd; do sleep 10; done
:; lxc restart $name --force --timeout 2
while [[ -z "$(lxc --quiet ls --format csv $name -c 4)" ]]; do sleep 1; done
# only if cluster_address is specified
[[ "$2" ]]
[[ "$3" ]] && pool=$3
[[ "$4" ]] && cluster_password=$4
:; cat<<EOF>/tmp/cluster.yaml
enabled: true
server_name: ${name}
server_address: ${name}:8443
cluster_address: $cluster_address:8443
cluster_certificate: "$(openssl s_client -showcerts $cluster_address:8443 <<< "" 2> /dev/null| openssl x509 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\n\n/g')
cluster_password: "$cluster_password"
- entity: storage-pool
name: ee
key: source
value: $pool
:; cat<<EOF>/tmp/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
:; lxc file push /tmp/hosts $name/etc/hosts
:; lxc file push /tmp/cluster.yaml $name/tmp/cluster.yaml
:; lxc exec $name -- bash -ic 'lxd init --preseed < /tmp/cluster.yaml'
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