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Last active November 18, 2021 09:34
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Demonstrates the use of parameter customization attributes
using AutoFixture.Dsl;
using AutoFixture.Kernel;
using AutoFixture.Xunit2;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using Xunit;
namespace AutoFixture.Issue1302
public class ParameterDecoratorTests
[Theory, AutoData]
public void CustomizesDecoratedOrder([BlackFridayOrder(20d)] Order order, Order order1)
Assert.Equal(0, order.Tax);
Assert.Equal(20, order.Discount);
Assert.NotEqual(0, order1.Tax);
Assert.NotEqual(20, order1.Discount);
public class Order
public decimal Tax { get; set; }
public decimal Discount { get; set; }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class BlackFridayOrderAttribute : Attribute, IParameterCustomizationSource
public BlackFridayOrderAttribute(double discount)
Discount = (decimal)discount;
public decimal Discount { get; }
public ICustomization GetCustomization(ParameterInfo parameter)
var builder = Customize<Order>(x => x
.With(x => x.Discount, this.Discount)
.With(x => x.Tax, 0));
return new ParameterRelay(
new ParameterSpecification(
new ExactParameterSpecification(parameter)),
public IPostprocessComposer<T> Customize<T>(Func<IPostprocessComposer<T>, IPostprocessComposer<T>> func)
return func(SpecimenBuilderNodeFactory.CreateComposer<T>().WithAutoProperties(true));
public class ExactParameterSpecification : IEquatable<ParameterInfo>
private readonly ParameterInfo parameterInfo;
public ExactParameterSpecification(ParameterInfo parameterInfo)
this.parameterInfo = parameterInfo;
public bool Equals(ParameterInfo other)
return this.parameterInfo?.Equals(other) == true;
public class ParameterRelay : ISpecimenBuilder
private readonly IRequestSpecification specification;
private readonly ISpecimenBuilder builder;
public ParameterRelay(IRequestSpecification specification, ISpecimenBuilder builder)
this.specification = specification;
this.builder = builder;
public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
if (!this.specification.IsSatisfiedBy(request))
return new NoSpecimen();
if (request is not ParameterInfo parameter)
return new NoSpecimen();
return this.builder.Create(parameter.ParameterType, context);
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