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Last active May 1, 2023 19:21
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Bash Snippets
alias oi="open_extended ${f_info}"
alias ow="open_extended ${p_docs}/worklog.txt"
# frequently used git aliases
alias git_log="git log -p -3"
alias git_log_graph="git log -3 --stat --graph --pretty=format:\"%H - %an, %ar : %s\""
# frequently used find commands
# get number of files of a given type and find filenames
alias find_filetype_stats="find . -type f | egrep -i -E -o \"\.{1}\w*$\" | sort | uniq -c"
alias find_filetype="echo \"find ./ -type f -regex '.*\.\(txt\|url\)$'|sort|grep .\""
# recursively list directories
# ls -R -1 --color=always
# alias lsr="ls -1 -R -X"
alias lsr="ls -1 -R --color=always"
# search recursively for files
alias find_r="find . -print | grep --color=always -in"
# find in anleitungen folder
# find recursively in directories (files would be -f option)
alias find_dirs="find . -mindepth 1 -type d | grep -i --color=always"
# search in single files
alias s_python_snippets="cdd ${p_machine_learning_infos}; grep_single_file doc_python_snippets.txt"
alias s_total_commander="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_total_commander_local.txt"
alias s_python="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_python.txt"
alias s_tools="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_tools.txt"
# alias s_npp="cdd ${p_laufende_dokumente}/Anleitungen; grep_single_file NotepadPlusPlusShortcuts.txt"
# alias s_links="cdd ${p_laufende_dokumente}/Browserlinks; grep_single_file browserlinks.json"
# COLORMODE for todo lists: "X" is with rich colors, normal otherwise
# search in shortcut file
alias s_sh="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt"
alias s_npp="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt notepad++"
alias s_chrome="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt chrome"
alias s_edge="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt edge"
alias s_vscode="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt vscode"
alias s_mlo="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt mlo"
alias s_bash="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt bash"
alias s_cmder="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt cmder"
alias s_tc="cdd ${p_docs}; grep_single_file doc_shortcuts_local.txt totalcommander"
export COLOR_MODE="X"
function grep_single_file () {
: "usage grep_single_file filepath arg1 arg2 ... "
: "performs search in a single file for arg1 arg2 "
grep_cmd="grep -iHn --color=always \"@\" \"#\""
# replace placeholders @ and #
grep_pipe="|grep --color=always -in"
for ((i=2; i<$#; i++))
grep_cmd+="${grep_pipe} ${args[i]}"
echo "${grep_cmd}"
eval "${grep_cmd}"
####### %TOOLS_PATH%
ComSpec %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe <SYSTEM>
HOME C:\...\CMD\githome <SYSTEM>
P_GIT C:\...\git-for-windows
P_NPP %...%\Notepad++
P_PY_MYLIBS C:\...\root
P_TOOLS C:\10_Tools
Path %SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\;%P_DEVTOOLS%;C:\Progra~2\NVIDIA~1\PhysX\Common;C:\Progra~1\NVIDIA~1\NVIDIA~3;;C:\30_Entwicklung\VSCode\bin <SYSTEM>
Path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps; NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM
Path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;%TOOLS_PATH%;
PY_HOME C:\<>\Python <SYSTEM>
TMP %SystemRoot%\TEMP <SYSTEM>
TOOLS_PATH C:\<...>;
# .bashrc
# echo "---- $HOME/.bashrc ----"
# For windows: set Windows env variable HOME to
# directory containing .bashrc
# this folder is entry point for shell/git
# if you have bashrc already, add the util
# load util functions and global definitions
# . ~/
# bashrc
echo "---- BEGIN ----"
# open frequently used links links
alias go_github="open \"\""
# go to directory
### additional stuff
#alias lc_desktop="lc ${p_desktop}"
#alias cdd_desktop="cdd ${p_desktop}; lc"
#alias open_desktop="open \"${p_desktop}\""
# convenience aliases for some bash commands
# ls only directories
alias ls_dir="ls -d */*/ -1"
# activate environment
# TODO create VENV
alias py_activate22='cd "${p_entwicklung}/VENV/.../Scripts"; . activate'
alias py_deactivate22='cd "${p_entwicklung}/VENV/.../Scripts"; deactivate'
# move current directory to processed folder
function move_shared_picture () {
echo "${p_move}"
cd ".."
mv -v "${p_move}" "${p_folder}"
# create metadata.tpl, copy control files, validate files
alias img_file_validator="python \"${p_tools_cmd}/\"; open ."
# display information about img_... aliases
function help () {
# cdd "${p_photos_umo}"
echo "Aliases for img_..."
grep_alias img_
echo "(0) PREPARE"
alias help_img="help"
# frequently used git aliases
alias git_log="git log -p -3"
alias git_log_graph="git log -3 --stat --graph --pretty=format:\"%H - %an, %ar : %s\""
# frequently used find commands
# get number of files of a given type and find filenames
alias find_filetype_stats="find . -type f | egrep -i -E -o \"\.{1}\w*$\" | sort | uniq -c"
alias find_filetype="echo \"find ./ -type f -regex '.*\.\(txt\|url\)$'|sort|grep .\""
# recursively list directories
# ls -R -1 --color=always
# alias lsr="ls -1 -R -X"
alias lsr="ls -1 -R --color=always"
# search recursively for files
alias find_r="find . -print | grep --color=always -in"
# find in folder
alias find_anleitungen='cdd "${p_laufende_dokumente}/some_folder"; find . -print | grep --color=always -in'
# find recursively in directories (files would be -f option)
alias find_dirs="find . -mindepth 1 -type d | grep -i --color=always"
# COLORMODE for todo lists: "X" is with rich colors, normal otherwise
export COLOR_MODE="X"
# activate python environment
# display current python environment
alias py_env='echo PY ENV: "$VIRTUAL_ENV"'
# show venv
function color_my_prompt {
# local __py_env="[\$VIRTUAL_ENV]"
local __lambda=$'\u03bb'
local __user_and_host="\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h"
local __cur_location="\[\033[01;34m\]\w"
local __git_branch_color="\[\033[31m\]"
#local __git_branch="\`ruby -e \"print (%x{git branch 2> /dev/null}.grep(/^\*/).first || '').gsub(/^\* (.+)$/, '(\1) ')\"\`"
local __git_branch='`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`'
local __prompt_tail="\[\033[35m\]"
local __symbol="$__lambda"
local __last_color="\[\033[00m\]"
local __venv=""
if ! test -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ; then
#__venv="${BLUE}[`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`]${COLOR_NONE} "
__venv=" [`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`] "
export PS1="$__user_and_host $__cur_location$__git_branch_color $__git_branch$__venv\n$__prompt_tail$__symbol$__last_color "
# export PS1="\\w:\$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2)\$ "
# wont display branch if not got controlled
alias prompt_default='export PS1="\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;34m\]\w \[\033[31m\]`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`\n\[\033[35m\]λ\[\033[00m\]"'
# $'\u03bb'' \[\033[0m\]'
BASH Shortcuts and function to display shortcuts
VIM (vim) :help in editor press ESC, :q!
[CHAR] CTRL + t [cA_Bd > cBA_d] Tauschen/swap CHAR before/after cursor
[WORD] ALT + t [ABC_XYZ > XYZ ABC_] Tauschen/swap WORD before/after cursor:
[CHAR] CTRL + h [c#_bd > c_bd] Delete CHAR before Cursor
[CHAR] CTRL + d [ca_#d > ca_d] Delete CHAR after Cursor
[WORD] ALT + d [abc_### > abc_] Delete WORD after Cursor
[WORD] ALT + u [abc_xyz > abcXYZ_] Upper case WORD
[WORD] ALT + l [abc_XYZ > abcxyz_] Lower case WORD
[CHAR] ALT + c [xa_by > xaBy_] Capitalize CHAR after Cursor/move to next word
[WORD] CTRL + w [###_xyz > xyz] Cut WORD before cursor to clipboard
[LINE] CTRL + k [123_### ### > 123_] Cut LINE after cursor to clipboard
[LINE] CTRL + u [###_abc xyz > _abc xyz]Cut LINE before cursor to clipboard
CTRl + a (anfang) - HOME
CTRL + e (ende) - END
ALT + b (backwards one word)
ALT + f (forward one word)
TAB Tab completion for file/directory names
history #n Show last #n entries from history
CTRL + R History search, type string, go back with CTRL+R
![NUM] Enter the NUM form history to execute command
ALT + r (revert changes like history)
CTRL + L clear Screen
CTRL + p (previous COMMAND)
CTRL + n (next COMMAND)
CTRL + y paste last cut
CTRL + _ Undo (CTRL + SHIFT + -)
CTRL + +/- Change Font Size
# History Values
# search in folder alias grep_m='ls -a; grepm"grep --color=always -irn"'
# move to a folder, search in filename with mutliple keywords alias find_folder='cdd"${FOLDER}"; find . -print | grep --color=always -in'
# find directories recursively by directory name with keywords alias find_dirs='find . -mindepth 1 -type d | grep -i --color=always'
# file statistics alias find_filetype_stats='find . -type f | egrep -i -E -o"\.{1}\w*$" | sort | uniq -c'
# search for file names alias find_r='find . -print | grep --color=always -in'
# Bash Command aliases
# alias git_config='git config --list --global &'
# alias git_difftool='git difftool --dir-diff &'
# alias git_mergetool='git mergetool &'
# search in available aliases alias grep_alias='grepm"alias"'
# search in all functions / executables alias grep_commands='grepm"compgen -abckA function"'
# display all functions alias grep_functions='grepm"declare -F|grep -iv _git"'
# search in enviroment variables alias grep_env='grepm"env"'
# display exported variables alias grep_export='grepm"export -p"'
# display all declared variables alias grep_variables='grepm"compgen -v"'
# search in a single file alias greps_doc_sf="cdd \"$p\":single_file; grep_single_file \"$single_file\""
# display a function definition type <func_name> [| grep --color=always -in":"] / with or without full code
function bash_shortcuts_info () {
: bash shortcuts help
echo ""
echo "VIM (vim) :help in editor press ESC, :q!"
echo ""
echo " [CHAR] CTRL + t [cA_Bd > cBA_d] Tauschen/swap CHAR before/after cursor"
echo " [WORD] ALT + t [ABC_XYZ > XYZ ABC_] Tauschen/swap WORD before/after cursor:"
echo " [CHAR] CTRL + h [c#_bd > c_bd] Delete CHAR before Cursor"
echo " [CHAR] CTRL + d [ca_#d > ca_d] Delete CHAR after Cursor"
echo " [WORD] ALT + d [abc_### > abc_] Delete WORD after Cursor"
echo " [WORD] ALT + u [abc_xyz > abcXYZ_] Upper case WORD"
echo " [WORD] ALT + l [abc_XYZ > abcxyz_] Lower case WORD"
echo " [CHAR] ALT + c [xa_by > xaBy_] Capitalize CHAR after Cursor/move to next word"
echo " [WORD] CTRL + w [###_xyz > xyz] Cut WORD before cursor to clipboard"
echo " [LINE] CTRL + k [123_### ### > 123_] Cut LINE after cursor to clipboard"
echo " [LINE] CTRL + u [###_abc xyz > _abc xyz] Cut LINE before cursor to clipboard"
echo "### NAVIGATION"
echo " CTRl + a (anfang) - HOME"
echo " CTRL + e (ende) - END"
echo " ALT + b (backwards one word)"
echo " ALT + f (forward one word)"
echo "### EDITING"
echo " TAB Tab completion for file/directory names"
echo " history #n Show last #n entries from history"
echo " CTRL + R History search, type string, go back with CTRL+R"
echo " ![NUM] Enter the NUM form history to execute command"
echo " ALT + r (revert changes like history)"
echo " CTRL + L clear Screen"
echo " CTRL + p (previous COMMAND)"
echo " CTRL + n (next COMMAND)"
echo " CTRL + y paste last cut"
echo " CTRL + _ Undo (CTRL + SHIFT + -)"
echo " CTRL + +/- Change Font Size"
alias help_bash="bash_shortcuts_info"
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