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Created July 2, 2009 14:47
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namespace :copy do
# Allows for the copy of asset directories from remote environments into the
# corresponding system directory. The download is maintained in your /tmp
# directory, so that subsequent executions will not fetch from the remote
# server unless forced to.
# This is extremely useful for developing/debugging migrations, where you'd
# like to focus on just a few assets, and need to re-run the migration many
# times.
# asset_path may be to any depth in order to reduce the amount of content
# which is retrieved. For instance, I regularly use this:
# cap production copy:assets -Sasset_path=/public/avatars/000/000/004/4
desc 'Copy remote assets to local application'
task :assets, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do
asset_path = fetch(:asset_path, nil)
raise "Please specify '-Sasset_path=public/avatars'" if asset_path.nil?
compressed_file_name = asset_path.gsub(/\//, '_') + '.tar.bz2'
compressed_file_path = "/tmp/#{compressed_file_name}"
if File.exists?(compressed_file_path) && fetch(:force, false) == false
logger.debug "Assets exist '#{compressed_file_path}'. Force download with '-Sforce=true'."
remote_asset_path = File.join(current_path, asset_path)
logger.debug "Copying remote assets '#{remote_asset_path}' to '#{File.join(FileUtils.pwd, asset_path)}'"
asset_path_exists = capture "if [ -d #{remote_asset_path} ]; then echo 'true'; else echo 'false'; fi"
raise "Assets do not exist on #{environment} at #{remote_asset_path}" unless asset_path_exists
run "tar -C #{current_path} -cjf #{compressed_file_path} #{asset_path}"
get compressed_file_path, compressed_file_path
run "rm #{compressed_file_path}"
system "tar -xjf #{compressed_file_path}"
logger.debug "Assets extracted in #{FileUtils.pwd}"
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