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Last active December 8, 2016 04:04
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MouseFollow Demo


  • In terminal, run elm package install elm-lang/mouse
  • Also run elm package install elm-lang/keyboard


  • Rename the module MouseFollow
  • Import Mouse and Keyboard
  • In the definition of main, change App.beginnerProgram to App.program
  • In the argument of App.program, change model = model to init = init
  • Add subscriptions = subscriptions to the argument of App.program

Init Stub

  • Below the model, add a new type declaration for init
    • We want init to be a tuple containing a Model and a Cmd Msg
  • Define init to be a tuple containing model and Cmd.none

Subscriptions Stub

  • Below update, add a new type declaration for subscriptions
    • We want subscriptions to accept a Model and return a Sub Msg
  • Define subscriptions to take an argument model and return Sub.none

Update Stub

  • Remove DisplayToggle from the type declaration of Msg
  • Also remove the DisplayToggle case from the definition of update
  • Change the type declaration of update to return a tuple containing a Model and a Cmd Msg
  • In the NoOp case of update, return a tuple containing model and Cmd.none

View Stub

  • Remove viewListItem and its type declaration
  • In the view, output an empty div


  • Change the type declaration of model
    • Remove the current properties
    • Add x and y as integers
    • Add code as a string
  • Change the definition of model
    • Set x and y to be zero
    • Set code to be the string containing the number one


  • Import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
  • Style the div in the view:
    • Give it a 1px black border
    • Set the display to inline-block
    • Set its position to absolute
    • Give it 10px of padding
  • Give it some dynamic features:
    • Set the left positioning to x
    • Set the top positioning to y
    • Use code as the contents


  • Add MouseMsg and KeyMsg to the type declaration of Msg
    • MouseMsg takes an argument of type Mouse.Position
    • KeyMsg takes an argument of type Keyboard.KeyCode
  • Add MouseMsg to the update case with an argument named position:
    • Change x to position.x
    • Change y to position.y
    • Include Cmd.none in the returned tuple
  • Add KeyMsg to the update case with an argument named keycode:
    • Change code on the model to the string version of keycode
    • Include Cmd.none in the returned tuple


  • Replace Sub.none with Sub.batch, which takes a list as its argument
  • Add Mouse.moves to the list, with MouseMsg as its argument
  • Add Keyboard.downs to the list, with KeyMsg as its argument
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