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Created September 13, 2015 01:35
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Sample TankDrive code for Robot in 1 Weekend 2015
/* Robot in 1 Weekend
* September 12-13, 2015
* The following is a sample of code used during the Robot in 1 Weekend event (see the Ri3d channel
* on YouTube: It was written by
* Christina Grajales (formerly Univ. of Auburn and team 1902) and AJ Foster (UCF and formerly
* team 2425).
* Use of this code requires the Android Studio software and various packages. Please see the
* documentation in the FTC App repository ( The following
* Android Studio packages are needed via the SDK Manager:
* Tools:
* - Android SDK Build-tools
* - 23.0.1 (preinstalled - can we uninstall?)
* - 21.1.2
* - 19.1
* Android 5.0.1 (API 21)
* - SDK Platform
* - Google APIs
* Android 4.4.2 (API 19)
* - SDK Platform
* - Google APIs (x86 System Image)
* - Google APIs (ARM System Image)
* This file should be located in the src/main/java/com.../opmodes directory of the
* FtcRobotController project (see In order to use this
* OpMode, you'll have to declare it in the FtcOpModeRegister class.
* We give you NO WARRANTY about the utility or safety of this code. It is up to you to learn and
* understand what it does before using it on an operational robot.
// Each OpMode must be included in this package.
package com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller.opmodes;
// Include packages as necessary for predefined classes.
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotorController;
/* This public class represents our OpMode. Inside of it you will find a number of methods - some
* are required, some are not. For more information about the structure of this class, see the
* Javadocs in the ftc_app repo.
public class RI1WTankDrive extends OpMode {
// Define the left and right drive train motors. We will instantiate (set) these variables
// below, in the init() method.
DcMotor ri1w_drive_left;
DcMotor ri1w_drive_right;
// These variables will be used to set the drive train motor speed.
double left_drive = 0.0;
double right_drive = 0.0;
// This variable will be used to decide whether to scale down the drive train speed.
boolean scale_down = false;
/* init() runs as soon as you arm the OpMode using the FTC Driver Station app. Use it to set
* servos, calibrate sensors, or otherwise initialize your hardware.
* This method is required - if you do not have it, the OpMode cannot be run.
public void init () {
// Initialize the motors. The motor names you see here are defined using the FTC Robot
// Controller app, when you create a robot configuration.
ri1w_drive_left = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_1");
ri1w_drive_right = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("motor_2");
// Set the right drive train to be reversed.
/* start() runs as soon as you press the play button in the FTC Driver Station app.
* This method is not required - if you have nothing to do at the start, you can leave it out.
* Think of it like the first loop of your program.
public void start () {
// We don't have anything to do here.
/* loop() is called repeatedly during the OpMode's execution.
* This method runs about 180 times per second. The majority of your code will probably be
* here. This method is required - if you do not have it, the OpMode cannot be run.
public void loop () {
// Get the current joystick values from the controller. The gamepad{1,2} variables are
// predefined for you. See the ftc_app Javadocs for more information about the methods
// you can call on the gamepad.
left_drive = gamepad1.left_stick_y;
right_drive = gamepad1.right_stick_y;
// Also get some information about the buttons on the gamepad. We'll use these to set the
// boolean variable scale_down.
if (gamepad1.x)
scale_down = true;
if (gamepad1.y)
scale_down = false;
// If we wish to scale down the motor speed, do that now.
if (scale_down) {
left_drive /= 1.5;
right_drive /= 1.5;
// Set the drive train motor speed for this iteration.
/* stop() is called just before the robot is stopped by the FTC Driver Station app.
* This method is not required, but you may wish to make sure your motors are stopped.
public void stop () {
// Stop the motors!
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