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Last active April 27, 2016 05:41
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  • Save aj-michael/d93dc21c1096b1efbbed7cec80c1e067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aj-michael/d93dc21c1096b1efbbed7cec80c1e067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class file taken apart.
first 4 bytes: magic number
next 2 bytes: minor version
next 2 bytes: major version
0x34 = 52
next 2 bytes: constant pool count
0x001B = 27
=== cp_info[] ===
cp info 0x01 = methodref
tag: 0x0A = 10 = CONSTANT_Methodref
class_index: 0x0005
name_and_type_index: 0x000E
cp info 0x02
tag: 0x09 = CONSTANT_Fieldref
class_index: 0x000F
name_and_type_index: 0x0010
cp info 0x03
tag: 0x0A = 10 = CONSTANT_Methodref
class_index: 0x0011
name_and_type_index: 0x0012
cp info 0x04
tag: 0x07 = CONSTANT_Class
name_index = 0x0013
cp info 0x05
name_index = 0x0014
cp info 0x06
tag: 01 = CONSTANT_Utf8
length: 0x0006
bytes = 3C 69 6E 69 74 3E = "<init>"
cp info 0x07
tag: 01 = Utf8
length = 0x0003
bytes = 28 29 56 = "()V"
cp info 0x08
tag: 01 = Utf8
length = 0x0004
bytes = 43 6F 64 65 = "Code"
cp info 0x09
tag: 01 = Utf8
length = 0x000F
bytes = 4C 69 6E 65 4E 75 6D 62 65 72 54 61 62 6C 65 = "LineNumberTable"
cp info 0x0A
tag: 01 = Utf8
length = 0x0004
bytes = 6D 61 69 6E = "main"
cp info 0x0B
tag: 01 = Utf8
length = 0x0016
bytes = 28 5B 4C 6A 61 76 61 2F 6C 61 6E 67 2F 53 74 72 69 6E 67 3B 29 56 = "([Ljava/lang/string;)V"
cp info 0x0C
tag: 01
length = 0x000A
bytes = 53 6F 75 72 63 65 46 69 6C 65 = "SourceFile"
cp info 0x0D
tag: 01
length = 0x0012
bytes = 74 65 73 74 63 61 73 65 30 30 5F 30 31 2E 6A 61 76 61 = ""
cp info 0x0E
tag: 0x0C = Constant_NameAndType
name_index = 0x0006
descriptor_index = 0x0007
cp info 0x0F
tag: 0x07 = Constant_Class
name_index: 0x0015
cp info 0x10
tag: 0x0C = NameAndType
name_index = 0x0016
descriptor_index = 0x0017
cp info 0x11
tag: 0x07 = Class
name_index = 0x0018
cp info 0x12
tag: 0x0C = NameAndType
name_index = 0x0019
descriptor_index = 0x001A
cp info 0x13
tag: 0x01 = Utf8
length = 0x0004
bytes = 4D 61 69 6E = "Main"
cp info 0x14
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0010
bytes = 6A 61 76 61 2F 6C 61 6E 67 2F 4F 62 6A 65 63 74 = "java/lang/Object"
cp info 0x15
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0010
bytes = 6A 61 76 61 2F 6C 61 6E 67 2F 53 79 73 74 65 6D
cp info 0x16
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0003
bytes = 6F 75 74 = "out"
cp info 0x17
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0015
bytes = 4C 6A 61 76 61 2F 69 6F 2F 50 72 69 6E 74 53 74 72 65 61 6D 3B = "Ljava/io/PrintStream;"
cp info 0x18
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0013
bytes = 6A 62 76 61 2F 69 6F 2F 50 72 69 6E 74 53 74 72 65 61 6D = "java/io/PrintStream"
cp info 0x19
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0007
bytes = 70 72 69 6E 74 6C 6E = "println"
cp info 0x1A
tag: 0x01
length = 0x0004
bytes = 28 49 29 56 = "(I)V"
=== end constant_pool ===
access_flags = 0x0020 = ACC_SUPER = backwards compat default
this_class = 0x0004
super_class = 0x0005
interfaces_count = 0x0000
interfaces = []
fields_count = 0x0000
fields = []
methods_count = 0x0002
=== methods ===
method 1:
access_flags = 0x0000 = none applied?
name_index = 0x0006
descriptor_index = 0x0007
attributes_count = 0x0001
=== attributes ===
attribute_name_index = 0x0008 ("Code")
attribute_length = 0x0000001D
info = 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 05 2A B7 00 01 B1 00 00 00 01 00 09 00 00 00 06 00 01 00 00 00 01
=== Parsing attribute as a code attribute ===
attribute_name_index = 0x0008 ("Code")
attribute_length = 0x0000001D
max_stack = 0x0001
max_locals = 0x0001
code_length = 0x00000005
code = 2A B7 00 01 B1
=== Code breakdown
2A = aload_0
// puts this object on stack
B7 00 01 = invokespecial 0 1
// 0x0001 is a reference to java.lang.Object constructor.
// java.lang.Object constructor is called on the current object.
B1 = return void
exception_table_length = 0x0000
exception_table = []
attributes_count = 0x0001
attributes = [
{ attribute_name_index = 0x0009 ("LineNumberTable")
, attribute_length = 0x00000006
, info = 00 01 00 00 00 01
, === parsing attribute as LineNumberTable ===
attribute_name_index = 0x0009 ("LineNumberTable")
attribute_length = 0x00000006
line_number_table_length = 0x0001
line-number_table = [
{ start_pc = 0x0000
, line_number = 0x0001
=== end LineNumberTable attribute ===
=== end code attribute ===
=== end attributes ===
access_flags = 0x0009 (???)
name_index = 0x000A ("main")
descriptor_index = 0x000B ("([Ljava/lang/String;)V")
attributes_count = 0x0001
attributes = [
{ === parsed as Code ===
attribute_name_index = 0x0008 ("Code"),
attribute_length = 0x00000024,
max_stack = 0x0002
max_locals = 0x0001
code_length = 0x00000008
code = B2 00 02 07 B6 00 03 B1
=== Code breakdown
getstatic 0 2
// 0x0002 is the reference to "System.out". The System.out reference is put on the stack.
iconst_4 // pushes 4 onto stack
invokevirtual 0 3
// 0x0003 is the reference to the println function.
// This takes the object and the argument 4 off the stack, and calls println with them.
// returns void
exception_table_length = 0x0000
execption_table = []
attributes_count = 0x0001
attributes = [{
attribute_name_index = 0x0009 ("LineNumberTabl")
attribute_length = 0x0000000A
line_number_table_length = 0x0002
line_number_table = [
{ start_pc = 0x0000
, line_number = 0x0005
{ start_pc = 0x0007
, line_number = 0x0006
=== end Code ===
=== end methods ===
attributes_count = 0x0001
attributes = [
{ attribute_name_index = 0x000C ("SourceFile")
, attribute_length = 0x00000002
, sourcefile_index = 0x000D
<init>()VCodeLineNumberTablemain([Ljava/lang/String;)V   Mainjava/lang/Objectjava/lang/SystemoutLjava/io/PrintStream;java/io/PrintStreamprintln(I)V *∑± 
class Main
public static void main( String[] args )
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