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Last active October 6, 2017 08:05
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The Metamorphosis

Originally posted on Jul 12, 2014


.... he laid his first step in the island of Galapagos as his ship anchored 1000 kms from the Ecuadorian mainland. He was a man consumed by wanderlust who had a glutenous mind in search for knowledge. He turned back and invited his friends to join him towards a journey which history documented it as Origin of Species.

John was teaching his students the concept of humanity and why we live in a system which operates on strict rules, mundane routines and unknown forces. The portrayal of idiosyncrasies of the system by John had a striking impact on one of his students. John describes humans to be cultural beings with a strong sense of survival which elate them in an ecosystem to the top of the food chain. He describes an incident which had anthropological evidences dating roughly back to 30,000 years ago where we had fellow creatures, equally under-evolved, living among us, imitating our exact behaviors, except for one chromosome. Neanderthals aka Homo Neanderthalensis were fellow brothers who shared this mother earth among us up until homo sapiens evolved to dominate this planet filling it with the filth and by-products of their coitus. He describes that the instinct of survival existed in every creature in the planet which will never stop until the existence was assured. He makes his point by saying that humanity will operate on survival even if it takes him to name the unknown forces of nature as God.

Paul is standing infront of a huge map of earth rendered in a 172" television display addressing the audience visiting the museum on its 115th anniversary. It is a special occasion as the day incidentally is the exact same day he was born. He is explaining to the audience about the course of changes that this planet has seen as a result of a rock'n roll dance by an unknown human being at the center of the earth. He is being politely funny inorder to engage his audience through a dry subject. He is stating the fact that earth has gone through four stages of development - Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and cenozoic skimming through the living beings that existed in the planet at different stages. Even though a majority of the crowd nod their head in approval of the facts, a few inquisitive minds are not ready to fall for the idea that earth was once a large piece of land with no boundaries which was eventually cleaved as a result of movement of plates inside a round ball :) .

... R-246B3 will be standing in a humanized chamber at the edge of the Lactus galaxy roughly 299792.458 million kilometers away from the late Milky way galaxy waiting to encounter the phenomenal accident, considered as the origin of everything - The Big Bang. He will have no exhilarating characteristics in him as the fundamental parts of his body will be chemicals not the one from nature but the one pre-processed in a factory. He will be there in the chamber to monitor the environmental parameters of the big bang and to report to his master in case of emergencies. All R-246Bs will have one drawback that does not let them dominate their masters - they comatose for years. Domination and subordination will be the strong forces that govern the colonies. It will neither be dictatorship nor democracy. It will be the survival of R-1s dominating any lesser versions. R-246B3 will suddenly realize one day his alarm beep indicating an imbalance in the chemical compositions in the big bowl of soup forming at the crux of Meda-123 , a planet at the optimal distance from its sun with a single moon. It will take him a while to realize that he missed the Big Bang all together for years until then. He will not be able to convince himself about his flaws during his work.

John's student is not hesitant any more. He stands up and asks a question ...

PS: Inspirations from great writers in /r/writingprompts. :)

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