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To Toss a Coin

originally posted on Jan 24, 2015

Chapter - 1 : The ironical tycoon

He watched the liquid gold flow below his feet in a hot refinery on a scorching day, more like in the middle of a day at his work. For a place and climate his attire was utterly irrelevant and made him alien among people standing next to him, his acolytes, assistants, sycophants, bootlickers and one honest soul. As he held the cash flow statement for the quarter he gave a wary look at the ceiling of his refinery as it left out a gust of smoke on the air. His oil corporation has been facing serious competition which is having a detrimental effect on the price of oil. As he walked through the plant with one ear on a phone he furrowed his eye brows as he ended his call. He could not ascertain whether Mr.Abdallah Salem el-Badri is really going to help him or is really digging his grave along with his oil corporation. The one honest soul sheds an ironical smile visualizing the repercussions of his boss' actions. A cyclone starts inside his head as he approaches near his boss. With a heart rate of 120bpm he closes on his boss and whispers on his ears "Is Mr.Naturam Godse a good guy?".

Chapter - 2 : The Deluded destroyer

His pupils expand and his optic nerve is busy sending visual data to his brain as he is awake in the morning looking at the chart of the stock he is about to invest his money. One monitor shows the top trending news that he has to update about the financial markets the other monitor shows the previous day closings of various stocks that he was interested in. Another monitor shows a series of charts of a particular oil company which is speculated to go down because of the oil prices. As he is comparing the volume of trade going on with the particular stock and the mean average differences over a period of 14 weeks there is a war going in his head, the two sides of him fighting each other about ways to waste his money. Since the price of the oil has fallen flat during the financial year he has not much of a logical conclusions to make but to short sell the stock to reap from a falling market. Owing to the his colossal losses from the inception of his trading career his girl friend comes close to him and whispers during the dawn of the day "Do you think lord Krishna is the root cause of Mahabharata?"

Chapter - 3: The Messiah of Freedom

He looked down from his 1296th floor of his office as protesters at the entrance are enraged about the monopoly of his company in the field of technology and privacy. His company fundamentally tracks every human being using the internet and uses the data to streamline its clients to sell them what they want to, as fervently called by its protesters - Big Brother. The core values of his company is to serve humanity, connect with proper solutions to problems they have. Directions to a location, information about weather, traffic in the current route, one touch information about virtually anything is what his company does to common people for free. But in return all its asking people is to give their personal information, their relationships, phone number, current location, interests, purchase history ad-infinitum. Controlled environment for the betterment of human race.

"Live and let live, Alone!", "My life is not your business", "Don't mint from my hint" - as his protesters raise slogans against the company's privacy policy, painting an uncouth image, a serious question loom on his mind, "Are computers the root of all evil?"

The tyrannical tycoon looks back at his honest employee and rhetorically remarks "You say the greatest form of valor is non-violence. Is india prosperous? Do all Indians conform to Gandhian principles?"

The husband remarks "Is being selfish for me and my family that bad?"

The logic of morality seems to be like a flip of a coin given the environment. A heads on the moon might not be the heads on jupiter. The closest relation to morality to anything seems be mortality. Human conscience made morality for sustenance and subsequently avoid chaos for the betterment. However the other side of the coin says chaos always leads to better understanding any situation and subsequently followed by clarity. After much of the storm inside my head a question raises "Is the coin even real?". Well it really depends on where you toss the coin :)

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