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Created April 20, 2020 02:09
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Borrowed from
Which is in JS, is not updated since Pixi 3, and is not on NPM.
If I get this updated I will try to submit it upstream.
1) PIXI only
2) TilePosition and TileScale removed because it doesn't seem to exist in Pixi 5
3) MovieClip removed because it doesn't seem to exist in Pixi 5
4) refactored a bit, using arrow functions to bind this and using fewer inline functions.
5) Added some comments for my understanding.
import type * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
export interface SmoothieProperties {
position: boolean;
rotation: boolean;
size?: boolean;
scale?: boolean;
alpha?: boolean;
export interface SmoothieOptions {
engine: typeof PIXI,
renderer: PIXI.Renderer,
root: PIXI.Container;
// a function that will be invoked after each game tick.
update?: () => void
interpolate: boolean;
// the speed of game ticks
fps: number;
// the (possibly different) speed of render ticks.
renderFps?: number;
// configuration for which properties we should interpolate
properties: SmoothieProperties;
// We cram some additional data into sprites for this.
// It's not exactly type-safe but it's the most reasonable way to do it?
type ExtendedSprite = PIXI.Sprite & {
_currentWidth: number,
_currentHeight: number,
_previousWidth: number,
_previousHeight: number,
_currentX: number,
_currentY: number,
_previousX: number,
_previousY: number,
_currentScaleX: number,
_currentScaleY: number,
_previousScaleX: number,
_previousScaleY: number,
_currentRotation: number,
_previousRotation: number,
_currentAlpha: number,
_previousAlpha: number,
export class Smoothie {
properties: SmoothieProperties;
Container: typeof PIXI.Container;
Sprite: typeof PIXI.Sprite;
stage: PIXI.Container;
renderer: PIXI.Renderer;
update: () => void = () => {};
interpolate: boolean;
paused: boolean;
_fps?: number;
_frameDuration?: number;
_lag: number;
_tick: number;
_startTime: number;
_renderStartTime: number;
_renderFps?: number;
_renderDuration?: number;
options: Partial<SmoothieOptions> = {
engine: undefined, // The rendering engine (Pixi)
renderer: undefined, // The Pixi renderer you created in your application
root: undefined, // The root Pixi display object (usually the `stage`)
update: undefined, // A logic function that should be called every frame of the game loop
interpolate: true, // A Boolean to turn interpolation on or off
fps: 60, // The frame rate at which the application's looping logic function should update
renderFps: undefined, // The frame rate at which sprites should be rendered
properties: { // Sprite roperties that should be interpolated
position: true,
rotation: true,
size: false,
scale: false,
alpha: false,
) {
if (options.engine === undefined) throw new Error("Please assign a rendering engine as Smoothie's engine option");
this.Container = options.engine.Container;
this.Sprite = options.engine.Sprite;
//Check to make sure the user had supplied a renderer. If you're
//using Pixi, this should be the instantiated `renderer` object
//that you created in your main application
if (options.renderer === undefined) {
throw new Error("Please assign a renderer object as Smoothie's renderer option");
} else {
this.renderer = options.renderer;
//Check to make sure the user has supplied a root container. This
//is the object is at the top of the display list heirarchy. If
//you're using Pixi, it would be a `Container` object, often by
//convention called the `stage`
if (options.root === undefined) {
throw new Error("Please assign a root container object (the stage) as Smoothie's rootr option");
} else {
this.stage = options.root;
if (options.update === undefined) {
throw new Error("Please assign a function that you want to update on each frame as Smoothie's update option");
} else {
this.update = options.update;
//Define the sprite properties that should be interpolated
if ( === undefined) { = { position: true, rotation: true };
} else { =;
//The upper-limit frames per second that the game' logic update
//function should run at.
//Smoothie defaults to 60 fps.
if (options.fps !== undefined) {
this._fps = options.fps;
} else {
this._fps = undefined;
//Optionally Clamp the upper-limit frame rate at which sprites should render
if (options.renderFps !== undefined) {
this._renderFps = options.renderFps;
} else {
this._renderFps = undefined;
//Set sprite rendering position interpolation to
//`true` by default
if (options.interpolate === false) {
this.interpolate = false;
} else {
this.interpolate = true;
//A variable that can be used to pause and play Smoothie
this.paused = false;
//Private properties used to set the frame rate and figure out the interpolation values
this._startTime =;
this._frameDuration = !!this._fps ? 1000 / this._fps : undefined;
this._lag = 0;
this._tick = 0;
this._renderStartTime = 0;
this._renderDuration = !!this._renderFps ? 1000 / this._renderFps : undefined;
//Getters and setters
get fps(): number | undefined { return this._fps; }
set fps(value: number | undefined) {
this._fps = value;
this._frameDuration = this._fps ? 1000 / this._fps : undefined;
get renderFps(): number | undefined { return this._renderFps; }
set renderFps(value: number | undefined ) {
this._renderFps = value;
this._renderDuration = !!this._renderFps ? 1000 / this._renderFps : undefined;
//`dt` (Delta time in this frame)
get dt() { return this._tick; }
//Methods to pause and resume Smoothie
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
//The `start` method gets Smoothie's game loop running
start() {
//Updates the logic function at the
//same rate as the user-defined fps, renders the sprites, with
//interpolation, at the maximum frame rate the system is capable
private doInterpolate = () => {
const frameDuration = this._frameDuration!;
//Calculate the time that has elapsed since the last frame
let current =,
elapsed = current - this._startTime;
//Catch any unexpectedly large frame rate spikes
if (elapsed > 1000) elapsed = frameDuration;
//For interpolation:
this._startTime = current;
//Add the elapsed time to the lag counter
this._lag += elapsed;
//Update the frame if the lag counter is greater than or
//equal to the frame duration
//More than one frame occurred since the last update, so we need to catch the game up with the renderer.
while (this._lag >= frameDuration) {
//Capture the sprites' previous properties for rendering
//Update the logic in the user-defined update function
//Reduce the lag counter by the frame duration
this._lag -= frameDuration;
//Calculate the tick and use it to render the sprites
//This is the fraction of the frame that we will interpolate.
this._tick = this._lag / frameDuration;
//The core game loop
gameLoop = (timestamp: number) => {
//Only run if Smoothie isn't paused
if (!this.paused) {
//If the `fps` hasn't been defined, call the user-defined update
//function and render the sprites at the maximum rate the
//system is capable of
if (this._fps === undefined) {
//Run the user-defined game logic function each frame of the
//game at the maxium frame rate your system is capable of
} else {
if (this._renderFps === undefined || this._renderDuration === undefined) {
} else {
//Implement optional frame rate rendering clamping
if (timestamp >= this._renderStartTime) {
//Update the current logic frame and render with
//Reset the frame render start time
//This is the next time in the future where we will actually rerender
this._renderStartTime = timestamp + this._renderDuration;
//This function is run in the game loop just before the logic update
//to store all the sprites' previous positions from the last frame.
//It allows the render function to interpolate the sprite positions
//for ultra-smooth sprite rendering at any frame rate
private capturePreviousSpriteProperties = () => {
//A function that capture's the sprites properties
let setProperties = (sprite: ExtendedSprite) => {
if ( {
sprite._previousX = sprite.x;
sprite._previousY = sprite.y;
if ( {
sprite._previousRotation = sprite.rotation;
if ( {
sprite._previousWidth = sprite.width;
sprite._previousHeight = sprite.height;
if ( {
sprite._previousScaleX = sprite.scale.x;
sprite._previousScaleY = sprite.scale.y;
if ( {
sprite._previousAlpha = sprite.alpha;
if (sprite.children && sprite.children.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < sprite.children.length; i++) {
let child = sprite.children[i];
setProperties(child as ExtendedSprite);
//loop through the all the sprites and capture their properties
for (let i = 0; i < this.stage.children.length; i++) {
let sprite = this.stage.children[i];
setProperties(sprite as ExtendedSprite);
//A recursive function that restores the sprite's original,
//uninterpolated x and y positions
private restoreSpriteProperties = (sprite: ExtendedSprite) => {
if ( {
sprite.x = sprite._currentX;
sprite.y = sprite._currentY;
if ( {
sprite.rotation = sprite._currentRotation;
if ( {
//Only allow this for Sprites, to prevent
//Container scaling bug
if (sprite instanceof this.Sprite) {
sprite.width = sprite._currentWidth;
sprite.height = sprite._currentHeight;
if ( {
sprite.scale.x = sprite._currentScaleX;
sprite.scale.y = sprite._currentScaleY;
if ( {
sprite.alpha = sprite._currentAlpha;
//Restore the sprite's children, if it has any
if (sprite.children.length !== 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < sprite.children.length; i++) {
//Find the sprite's child
let child = sprite.children[i];
//Restore the child sprite properties
this.restoreSpriteProperties(child as ExtendedSprite);
//Smoothie's `render` method will interpolate the sprite positions and
//rotation for
//ultra-smooth animation, if the `interpolate` property is `true`
//(it is by default)
private render(tick = 1) {
//Calculate the sprites' interpolated render positions if
//`this.interpolate` is `true` (It is true by default)
if (this.interpolate) {
//A recursive function that does the work of figuring out the
//interpolated positions
let interpolateSprite = (sprite: ExtendedSprite) => {
//Position (`x` and `y` properties)
if ( {
//Capture the sprite's current x and y positions
sprite._currentX = sprite.x;
sprite._currentY = sprite.y;
//Figure out its interpolated positions
if (sprite._previousX !== undefined) {
sprite.x = (sprite.x - sprite._previousX) * tick + sprite._previousX;
if (sprite._previousY !== undefined) {
sprite.y = (sprite.y - sprite._previousY) * tick + sprite._previousY;
//Rotation (`rotation` property)
if ( {
//Capture the sprite's current rotation
sprite._currentRotation = sprite.rotation;
//Figure out its interpolated rotation
if (sprite._previousRotation !== undefined) {
sprite.rotation = (sprite.rotation - sprite._previousRotation) * tick + sprite._previousRotation;
//Size (`width` and `height` properties)
if ( {
//Only allow this for Sprites or MovieClips. Because
//Containers vary in size when the sprites they contain
//move, the interpolation will cause them to scale erraticly
if (sprite instanceof this.Sprite) {
//Capture the sprite's current size
sprite._currentWidth = sprite.width;
sprite._currentHeight = sprite.height;
//Figure out the sprite's interpolated size
if (sprite._previousWidth !== undefined) {
sprite.width = (sprite.width - sprite._previousWidth) * tick + sprite._previousWidth;
if (sprite._previousHeight !== undefined) {
sprite.height = (sprite.height - sprite._previousHeight) * tick + sprite._previousHeight;
//Scale (`scale.x` and `scale.y` properties)
if ( {
//Capture the sprite's current scale
sprite._currentScaleX = sprite.scale.x;
sprite._currentScaleY = sprite.scale.y;
//Figure out the sprite's interpolated scale
if (sprite._previousScaleX !== undefined) {
sprite.scale.x = (sprite.scale.x - sprite._previousScaleX) * tick + sprite._previousScaleX;
if (sprite._previousScaleY !== undefined) {
sprite.scale.y = (sprite.scale.y - sprite._previousScaleY) * tick + sprite._previousScaleY;
//Alpha (`alpha` property)
if ( {
//Capture the sprite's current alpha
sprite._currentAlpha = sprite.alpha;
//Figure out its interpolated alpha
if (sprite._previousAlpha !== undefined) {
sprite.alpha = (sprite.alpha - sprite._previousAlpha) * tick + sprite._previousAlpha;
//Interpolate the sprite's children, if it has any
if (sprite.children.length !== 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < sprite.children.length; j++) {
//Find the sprite's child
let child = sprite.children[j];
//display the child
interpolateSprite(child as ExtendedSprite);
//loop through the all the sprites and interpolate them
for (let i = 0; i < this.stage.children.length; i++) {
let sprite = this.stage.children[i];
interpolateSprite(sprite as ExtendedSprite);
//Render the stage. If the sprite positions have been
//interpolated, those position values will be used to render the
//Restore the sprites' original x and y values if they've been
//interpolated for this frame
if (this.interpolate) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.stage.children.length; i++) {
let sprite = this.stage.children[i];
this.restoreSpriteProperties(sprite as ExtendedSprite);
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This is great work, thank you! Helped me a lot. I'd definitely buy you a beer. I spent a lot of time struggling with a custom built interpolation.

Two things to mention:

  1. I experienced a sudden performance drop and went into the rabbit hole of debugging the recursive function for updating sprites. In fact, the problem was fixed by setting sharedTicker: true when creating PIXI.Application and hitting PIXI.Ticker.system.stop

  2. If anyone is wondering why BitmapText is not appearing - it seems that it gets blocked on line 349. Make sure to enable it. My quick hack for this was:

const isSprite = (sprite instanceof this.Sprite);
const isBitmapText = (sprite instanceof this.BitmapText)
if ( isSprite || isBitmapText) {
  sprite._currentWidth = sprite.width;
  sprite._currentHeight = sprite.height;

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