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Vim Cheat Sheet

Vim Cheat Sheet

My collection of vim tips to make the best editor even better. This is by no means complete or a tutorial on how to use vim, but a set of commands I don't want to forget and need to write them down before they burn into memory.

See the resources section below for a more complete introduction and a set of in-depth tutorials.


:nn             " Jump to line nn
nn|             " Jump to column nn
H M L           " Jump dorectly to Highest, Middle, Lowest of screen
( ) { }         " Beginning, End of current sentence, paragraph
0 ^ $ g_        " First, Last of current column, line 
f F t T         " Follow, Till forward, backward 
, ;             " Repeat last Follow/Till forward, backward 

Navigation Marks

ma              " mark spot current file label it a
mA              " mark spot globally label it A
'a              " jump to spot
'A              " jump to spot (cross file)
''              " jump to last spot you were
'.              " jump to last modification
:marks          " show all marks   

Start Insert Mode

i I             " Insert before cursor, BOL
a A             " Append after cursor, EOL
o O             " Open new line after, before current line
c{motion} C|cc  " Change (delete and Insert mode) character, up to EOL
s S             " Substitute (delete and Insert mode) char, line

When v(isual), V(isual line) or Ctrl+v(isual block) mode

J               " join all the lines together.
< >             " indent to the left, right
=               " auto indent
y d ~           " yank, delete, change case of marked text

I, A, $ etc. will work too.


u Ctrl+r        " undo, redo
J               " join line below to the current one

Copy, Paste and Registers

y[movement]     " copy 
Y|yy            " copy line
"ad             " cut something to register a
p P             " Paste before, after 
"ap             " paste something from register a
"0-9p           " paste from delete history
:reg            " list registers

Few Special Registers

""             " Default register for any yank or delete
".             " Last inserted text
"+             " System clipboard
"/             " Search content
"=             " Expression result

More about registers:

Deleting Lines

dd             " delete line
D              " delete up to EOL    
:g/regexp/d    " delete all lines that match regexp
:v/regexp/d    " delete all lines that do NOT regexp
:v/w{3,}/d   " delete all lines with less than 3-chars
:15,20d        " delete lines 10-20

Buffer Management

:ls             " list open buffers
:b [num|name]   " switch to buffer 
:b#             " switch to last buffer
:bd #           " delete buffer
:*e*dit [file]  " open file in new buffer


:sp file        " open a file in a new split window
:vs file        " open a file in a new vertical split window
Ctrl + wq       " quit a window
Ctrl + w[dir]   " move to direction (hjkl←↓↑→) window
Ctrl + ww       " switch window
Ctrl + [+|-]    " Grow, shrink split    


:tabnew | :tabnew file  " open a file in a new tab
Ctrl + wT               " move the current split window into its own tab
gt | :tabn              " move to the next tab
gT | :tabp              " move to the previous tab
#gt                     " move to tab number #
:tabclose | :tabc       " close the current tab and all its windows

Record Macro

qa              " start recording macro in buffer a
[do stuff]
q               " end recording

Playback Macro

50@a  (50 times)

Multiple file search

:vimgrep /search-pattern/[jg] file-pattern
:vimgrep /kateb/j **/*.go
:cn[ext] | :cp[revious]         " jump to next and previous match
:cnf[ile] | :cpf[ile]           " jump to next and previous file
:cw[indow]                      " open quickfix window (list of matches)                                     

More options on vimgrep matches :


<C-n> | <C-p>           " Autocomplete from next|prev matches
<C-x><C-o>              " Language aware autocomplete 

Map System Command to Key Stroke

Map ctrl-j d to run system command /tmp/

:imap <C-j>d <C-r>=system('/tmp/')<CR>

Toggle Spellcheck

:map <F5> :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<CR>


Here are a set of short cuts I have in my vimrc file that simplify some common operations. If I notice myself doing the same thing over and over, I try to add a shortcut when possible.

" Add spaces inside parentheses, WordPress coding style
map <Leader>o ci(hp

" Surround word with quote
map <Leader>' ysiw'
map <Leader>" ysiw"

" Add Trailing Semi-colon
map <Leader>; g_a;<Esc>

" Use :w!! to save with sudo
ca w!! w !sudo tee >/dev/null "%"

Vim Plug-ins

One of the best things about vim is all of the available plug-ins. Here is the set of plug-ins I use that make vim even easier and better.


Tabular.vim is a very useful plugin to lineup characters amongst several lines, for example lining up the equal sign in a set of variable assignments. See vimcasts on tabular


CtrlP.vim is a fuzzy file matching finder for vim. It works similar to the Command-T plugin, a copy of Textmate’s file search. CtrlP is easier to setup and works real nice.

Additional Resources

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