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Created December 5, 2022 15:22
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Solidity Smart Contract to manage a DAO
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract LaunchpadDAO {
// The address of the owner of this contract
address public owner;
// The list of projects currently managed by this DAO
Project[] public projects;
// The struct representing a project
struct Project {
// The address of the creator of this project
address creator;
// The name of the project
string name;
// The amount of funding raised for this project
uint256 funding;
// The minimum amount of funding required for this project to be considered successful
uint256 fundingGoal;
// The constructor of the contract, called when it is deployed to the blockchain
constructor() public {
// Set the owner of this contract to the address that deployed it
owner = msg.sender;
// A function to create a new project
function createProject(string memory _name, uint256 _fundingGoal) public {
// Create a new project and add it to the list of projects
projects.push(Project(msg.sender, _name, 0, _fundingGoal));
// A function to contribute funds to a project
function contribute(uint256 _projectId, uint256 _amount) public {
// Get the project with the given ID
Project storage project = projects[_projectId];
// Add the contributed funds to the project's funding
project.funding += _amount;
// A function to withdraw funds from a successful project
function withdraw(uint256 _projectId) public {
// Get the project with the given ID
Project storage project = projects[_projectId];
// Ensure that the caller is the creator of the project
require(project.creator == msg.sender, "Only the creator of the project can withdraw funds");
// Ensure that the project has reached its funding goal
require(project.funding >= project.fundingGoal, "The project has not reached its funding goal");
// Transfer the funds raised to the project creator
// Reset the funding to 0
project.funding = 0;
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