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Forked from jdanyow/app.html
Last active September 21, 2016 18:34
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<require from="./minesweeper.viewmodel"></require>
<minesweeper game.bind="game" view-model.ref="minesweeper"></minesweeper>
<ul class="actions">
<li><a click.delegate="startNewGame()">New game</a></li>
<li><a click.delegate="minesweeper.undo()" hidden.bind="!minesweeper.canUndo()">Undo</a></li>
import {customElement, View, observable} from "aurelia-framework";
import {createGame} from "./game";
import {Tile} from "./tile";
import {GameBoard} from "./game-board";
import {MineSweeperViewModel} from "./minesweeper.viewmodel";
export class AppViewModel {
game : GameBoard;
minesweeper: MineSweeperViewModel;
created(owningView: View, myView: View) {
startNewGame() {
// = createGame({ cols: 4, rows: 4, mines: 4 }); = createGame({ cols: 48, rows: 100, mines: 900 });
// = createGame({ cols: 16, rows: 16, mines: 48 });
import {Aurelia} from 'aurelia-framework';
export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia): void {
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot("app"));
import {Tile} from "./tile";
export class GameBoard {
cols: number;
rows: number;
playingTime: number;
tiles: Tile[];
isDead: boolean = false;
isSafe: boolean = true;
getTileById(id: number) {
if (this.tiles.length > id) return this.tiles[id];
return null;
import {partition, shuffle, repeat, keep, prop} from './util';
import {Tile} from "./tile";
import {GameBoard} from "./game-board";
// Credits to Christian Johansen for game logic:
function initTiles(rows, cols, mines) : Tile[] {
var repeated: Tile[] = repeat(mines, {isMine: true, isRevealed: false, threatCount: 0});
var concatanated = repeated.concat(repeat(rows * cols - mines, {isMine: false, isRevealed: false, threatCount: 0}));
var shuffled = shuffle(concatanated);
shuffled.forEach((tile, idx) => { = idx;
return shuffled;
function onWEdge(game : GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return % game.cols === 0;
function onEEdge(game : GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return % game.cols === game.cols - 1;
function nw(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return onWEdge(game, tile) ? null : game.getTileById( - game.cols - 1);
function n(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return game.getTileById( - game.cols);
function ne(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return onEEdge(game, tile) ? null : game.getTileById( - game.cols + 1);
function e(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return onEEdge(game, tile) ? null : game.getTileById( + 1);
function se(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return onEEdge(game, tile) ? null : game.getTileById( + game.cols + 1);
function s(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return game.getTileById( + game.cols);
function sw(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return onWEdge(game, tile) ? null : game.getTileById( + game.cols - 1);
function w(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return onWEdge(game, tile) ? null : game.getTileById( - 1);
const directions = [nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w];
function neighbours(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile): Tile[] {
return keep(directions, function (dir) {
return dir(game, tile);
function getMineCount(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
var nbs = neighbours(game, tile);
return nbs.filter(p => p.isMine).length;
function isMine(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
return tile ? tile.isMine : false;
function isSafe(game: GameBoard) {
const tiles = game.tiles;
const mines = tiles.filter(p => p.isMine);
let ct = mines.filter(p => p.isRevealed &&
tiles.length - mines.length === tiles.filter(p => p.isRevealed).length);
return ct.length != 0;
export function isGameOver(game: GameBoard) {
return isSafe(game) || game.isDead;
function addThreatCount(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
if (tile == null) return;
tile.threatCount = getMineCount(game, tile);
return game;
function revealAdjacentSafeTiles(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
if (isMine(game, tile)) {
addThreatCount(game, tile);
tile.isRevealed = true;
if (tile.threatCount === 0) {
let neighbours = keep(directions, function (dir) {
return dir(game, tile);
neighbours.forEach(nt => {
if (!nt.isRevealed)
revealAdjacentSafeTiles(game, nt);
function attemptWinning(game: GameBoard) {
if (isSafe(game))
game.isSafe = true;
return game;
function revealMine(tile: Tile) {
if (tile.isMine) tile.isRevealed = true;
return tile;
function revealMines(game: GameBoard) {
game.tiles.forEach(tile => revealMine(tile));
return game;
export function revealTile(game: GameBoard, tile: Tile) {
let isChanged = tile.isRevealed == false;
tile.isRevealed = true;
if (isMine(game, tile)) {
game.isDead = true;
else {
revealAdjacentSafeTiles(game, tile);
return isChanged;
export function createGame(options) : GameBoard {
let game = new GameBoard();
game.cols = options.cols;
game.rows = options.rows;
game.playingTime = 0;
game.tiles = initTiles(options.rows, options.cols, options.mines);
return game;
<!doctype html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script> <script>
<body aurelia-app="boot">
<require from="./row.viewmodel"></require>
<div class="board">
<row repeat.for="row of rows" row.bind="row""handleTileClick($event)"></row>
import {customElement, bindable, View} from "aurelia-framework";
import {partition} from './util';
import {revealTile, isGameOver} from './game';
import {Tile} from "./tile";
export class MineSweeperViewModel {
game: any;
history = [];
gameChanged() {
updateGame(updateHistory = true) {
this.rows = partition(,;
if (updateHistory) {
handleTileClick(tile: Tile) {
if (!tile) {
if (isGameOver( {
let isChanged = revealTile(, tile);
if (isGameOver( {
window.alert('GAME OVER!');
undo() {
if (this.canUndo()) { = this.history.pop();
// Don't update the history so we don't end up with
// the same game twice in the end of the list
canUndo() {
return this.history.length > 1;
<require from="./tile.viewmodel"></require>
<div class="row">
<tile repeat.for="tile of row" tile.bind="tile""handleTileClick(tile)"></tile>
import {customElement, bindable} from "aurelia-framework";
export class RowViewModel {
@bindable() row: any;
@bindable() tileClicked: Function;
handleTileClick(tile) {
if (this.tileClicked)
/* Styles go here */
body {
background: #b5afa7 no-repeat 23px 30px;
background-size: 380px;
font-family: sans-serif;
#main {
margin: 0 auto 0;
width: 800px;
.time {
background: #736d65;
display: inline-block;
padding: 6px 10px;
.board {
border: 10px solid #a49e96;
border-radius: 10px;
margin: 20px;
background: #938d85;
display: inline-block;
.tile {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #504d49;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
float: left;
color: #100d09;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 30px;
font-size: 20px;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
.lid {
position: absolute;
top: -1px;
left: -1px;
right: -1px;
bottom: -1px;
border: 2px outset #a49e96;
circle at top left,
.lid:hover {
circle at bottom right,
.mine {
background: url(../images/danger.png);
background: red;
cursor: pointer;
list-style: none;
margin: 0 20px;
padding: 0;
ul.actions li{
display: inline-block;
ul.actions a{
border: 10px solid #a49e96;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 6px 12px;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
ul.actions a:hover{
background: #a49e96;
export class Tile {
id : number;
isMine: boolean;
isRevealed: boolean;
threatCount: number;
constructor(isMine: boolean, isRevealed: boolean, threatCount: number) {
this.isMine = isMine;
this.isRevealed = isRevealed;
this.threatCount = threatCount;
<div data-id="${}" class="tile ${tile.isMine ? 'mine' : ''}" click.delegate="onTileClicked($event)">
<div if.bind="!tile.isRevealed && tile.isMine" style="background-color: yellow;"></div>
<div class="lid" if.bind="!tile.isRevealed && !tile.isMine"></div>
<div if.bind="tile.isRevealed && !tile.isMine">
${ tile.threatCount > 0 ? tile.threatCount : '' }
import {customElement, bindable} from "aurelia-framework";
import {Tile} from "./tile";
export class TileViewModel {
@bindable() tile: Tile;
@bindable tileClicked: Function;
onTileClicked() {
if (this.tileClicked) this.tileClicked(this);
// Credits to Christian Johansen for util logic:
import {Tile} from "./tile";
import {GameBoard} from "./game-board";
export function partition(size, coll) {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0, l = coll.size || coll.length; i < l; i += size) {
res.push(coll.slice(i, i + size));
return res
export function identity(v) {
return v;
export function prop(n) {
return function (object) {
return object instanceof Map ? object.get(n) : object[n];
export function keep(list, pred) {
export function repeat(n, val: {isMine: boolean, isRevealed: boolean, threatCount: number}) {
let res: Tile[] = [];
while (n--) {
res.push(new Tile(val.isMine, val.isRevealed, val.threatCount));
return res;
export function shuffle<T>(list: T[]) : T[] {
return list.sort(function () { return Math.random() - 0.5; });
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