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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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# == Class: sdiff
# This class adds a wrapper for the diff command puppet uses.
# It introduces the ability to suppress diff output, useful for encrypted data.
# This module requires changes to the puppet.conf file that is on the agents,
# suggest under the [main] section.
# diff=/usr/local/bin/cdiff
# diff_args=-u
# === Parameters
# [*ensure*]
#   String. Controls if the managed resources shall be <tt>present</tt> or
#   <tt>absent</tt>. If set to <tt>absent</tt>:
#   * System modifications (if any) will be reverted as good as possible
#     (e.g. removal of created users, services, changed log settings, ...).
#   * This is thus destructive and should be used with care.
#   Defaults to <tt>present</tt>.
# [*color*]
#   Boolean. Optionally color line in diff output (red for deletions, green for
#   insertions).
#   Defaults to <tt>true</tt>.
# [*file_pattern*]
#   String. The pattern that is used to determine which files not to show
#   diffs for. This value can be configured in hiera using the cdiff::file_pattern
#   key.
#   Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.
# [*line_pattern*]
#   String. The pattern that is used to determine lines in a diff to not
#   show diffs for.  This value can be configured in hiera using the
#   cdiff::line_pattern key.
#   Example:
#   cdiff::line_pattern: 'MERCHANT_ID=.*\|PRIVATE_KEY=.*\$'
#   Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.

class sdiff(
  $ensure       = present,
  $color        = hiera('sdiff::color',true),
  $file_pattern = hiera('sdiff::file_pattern',false),
  $line_pattern = hiera('sdiff::line_pattern',false),
) {

  $file_ensure = $ensure ? {
    present => file,
    default => present,

  file { '/usr/local/bin/sdiff':
    ensure  => $file_ensure,
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0755',
    content => template('sdiff/sdiff.erb'),

Script template


<%- if @color -%>
red="$(tput setaf 1)$(tput bold)"
green="$(tput setaf 2)$(tput bold)"
yellow="$(tput setaf 3)$(tput bold)"
reset="$(tput sgr0)"
<%- else -%>
<%- end -%>

<%- if @file_pattern -%>
if [[ $* =~ <%= @file_pattern %> ]]; then
    echo "${yellow}Suppressing potentially sensitive diff of ${2} vs ${3}.${reset}"

<%- end -%>
/usr/bin/diff $@ | \
<%- if @line_pattern -%>
sed 's/<%= @line_pattern %>/'$yellow'Suppressing potentially sensitive diff.'$reset'/' | \
<%- end -%>
<%- if @color -%>
sed 's/^\([^+-]\)/'$reset'\1/' | \
sed 's/^\(+.*\)$/'$green'\1'$reset'/' | \
sed 's/^\(-.*\)$/'$red'\1'$reset'/'
<%- end -%>

How to use in a node

include sdiff

If you wanted to override the modules pattern, or disable color, add this into Hiera:

sdiff::file_pattern: '\.[eyaml|etxt|ejson]'
sdiff::line_pattern: 'MERCHANT_ID=.*\|PRIVATE_KEY=.*\$'
sdiff::color: false
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