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Last active April 5, 2018 15:31
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Arabic / Roman Numerals Conversion
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NumberConversions
class NumericConversions
public static int RomanToArabic(string RomanNumeral)
string currentRomanNotation = "";
int stringPlace = 0;
int returnValue = 0;
int notationValue = 0;
int secondLetterValue = 0;
int consecutiveCount = 0;
char thisChar, lastChar;
// Declare dictionary to hold Arabic numbers and Roman equivalents.
SortedDictionary<char, int> dyRoman = new SortedDictionary<char, int>
{ 'M', 1000 },
{ 'D', 500 },
{ 'C', 100 },
{ 'L', 50 },
{ 'X', 10 },
{ 'V', 5 },
{ 'I', 1 },
{ ' ', 0 }
// Convert to uppercase as Chars are case-sensitive.
RomanNumeral = RomanNumeral.ToUpper().TrimEnd(' ').TrimStart(' ');
if (RomanNumeral.Contains(" "))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Please enter a single Roman numeral - no spaces.", new Exception());
for (int x = 0; x < RomanNumeral.Length; x++)
// Parse the Roman numeral and compare each character to the last.
thisChar = RomanNumeral[x];
lastChar = x > 0 ? RomanNumeral[x - 1] : ' ';
consecutiveCount = (thisChar == lastChar) ? consecutiveCount + 1 : 1;
if (dyRoman.TryGetValue(thisChar, out notationValue) && dyRoman.TryGetValue(lastChar, out secondLetterValue))
int subNumber = (notationValue.ToString()[0] == '1') ? (notationValue / 10) : (notationValue / 5);
// If there's more than one consecutive V, L or D.
if (consecutiveCount > 1 && notationValue.ToString()[0] == '5')
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid Roman numeral - invalid letter repetitions.", new Exception());
// If there's more than three of any character.
if (consecutiveCount > 3)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid Roman numeral - specific characters cannot appear in groups of more than three.", new Exception());
// If there's any other invalid combination of characters.
// If there's a character before this one, it must be a valid subtractive value or it must be greater than or equal to the current character.
if (subNumber > 0 && secondLetterValue > 0 && secondLetterValue != subNumber && secondLetterValue < notationValue)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid Roman numeral - possible error in subtractive combinations.", new Exception());
throw new Exception("Invalid character found.");
// ONCE THE STRING IS KNOWN TO BE VALID, parse the string to evaluate individual letters.
// Using a While loop here to have more control over the movement through the string.
while (stringPlace < RomanNumeral.Length)
// Get the first letter and increment the place.
currentRomanNotation = RomanNumeral.Substring(stringPlace, 1);
// Get the value of the first letter.
if (dyRoman.TryGetValue(currentRomanNotation[0], out notationValue))
// If there's another letter to the right, get that one.
if ((stringPlace <= (RomanNumeral.Length - 1)) &&
dyRoman.TryGetValue(RomanNumeral[stringPlace], out secondLetterValue))
// If the value of the second letter is less than the first, then use
// subtractive notation (i.e. CM = 900, IX = 9) as long as the second letter
// is valid in that place.
if (secondLetterValue > notationValue)
currentRomanNotation += RomanNumeral[stringPlace];
notationValue = secondLetterValue - notationValue;
returnValue += notationValue;
catch(Exception ex)
returnValue = 0;
throw ex;
return returnValue;
public static string ArabicToRoman(int InputNumber)
string returnValue = "";
char romanChar;
int arabicNumber, arabicSubLevel; // Holds arabic number and "9" place under it i.e. 1000 and 900, 10 and 9
// Declare dictionary to hold Arabic numbers and Roman equivalents.
// Sorted dictionary used to ensure order of entries. In this case,
// the dictionary will be sorted starting with the last entry where the key is 1.
SortedDictionary<int, char> dyRoman = new SortedDictionary<int, char>
{ 1000, 'M' },
{ 500, 'D' },
{ 100, 'C' },
{ 50, 'L' },
{ 10, 'X' },
{ 5, 'V' },
{ 1, 'I' }
// The class currently does not process numbers over 3999.
if (InputNumber > 3999 || InputNumber < 1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
("Input values must be between 1 and 3999.", new Exception());
// Start at the end of the dictionary. Sorted dictionary orders by the key so 1000 is at the end.
// Get Arabic number, Roman character and the subtractive level under it.
int dictionaryElement = dyRoman.Count - 1;
arabicNumber = dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement).Key;
romanChar = dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement).Value;
arabicSubLevel = arabicNumber - ((arabicNumber.ToString()[0] == '1') ? (arabicNumber / 10) : (arabicNumber / 5));
// InputNumber will be continually reduced as the Roman numeral is built.
while (InputNumber > 0 && InputNumber < 4000)
if (InputNumber >= arabicNumber) // If the number remains above the current test.
// If the current Roman numeral ends with three of the current Roman character,
// and the current Arabic number starts with 1, remove the three characters and
// add the subtractive notation (i.e. III to IV and XXXVIII to XXXIX)
if (returnValue.EndsWith(new string(romanChar, 3)) && arabicNumber.ToString()[0] == '1')
returnValue = returnValue.Substring(0, returnValue.Length - 3);
returnValue += romanChar;
returnValue += dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement + 1).Value;
else // Otherwise, just add another character.
returnValue += dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement).Value;
// Subtract the amount that has been added to the Roman numeral.
InputNumber -= arabicNumber;
else if (InputNumber >= arabicSubLevel)
// If the number is less than the current level but greater than the sublevel
// (i.e. less than 1000 but 900 or greater), add the appropriate letters.
if (arabicNumber.ToString()[0] == '1')
returnValue += dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement - 2).Value;
returnValue += dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement - 1).Value;
returnValue += dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement).Value;
// Subtract the amount that has been added to the Roman numeral.
InputNumber -= arabicSubLevel;
// Otherwise, move forward in the dictionary and get the new values.
arabicNumber = dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement).Key;
romanChar = dyRoman.ElementAt(dictionaryElement).Value;
arabicSubLevel = arabicNumber - ((arabicNumber.ToString()[0] == '1') ? (arabicNumber / 10) : (arabicNumber / 5));
catch (Exception ex)
returnValue = "";
throw ex;
return returnValue;
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