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  • Save ajdamico/669666 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ajdamico/669666 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
download all publicly-available data files for every year of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
setwd("R:\\Medical Expenditure Panel Survey\\Data")
#input all available MEPS public use file numbers
year <- c(1996:2008)
consolidated <- c(12,20,28,38,50,60,70,79,89,97,105,113,NA)
conditions <- c("06r",18,27,37,52,61,69,78,87,96,104,112,NA)
jobs <- c("07",19,25,32,40,56,63,74,83,91,100,108,116)
prpf <- c(24,47,47,47,47,57,66,76,88,95,103,111,119)
longitudinal <- c(23,35,48,58,65,71,80,86,98,106,114,NA,NA)
events <- c(10,16,26,33,51,59,67,77,85,94,102,110,118)
mepsmatrix <- data.frame(year, consolidated, conditions, jobs, prpf, longitudinal, events)
#assign all events files
mepsmatrix$rx <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"a",sep="")
mepsmatrix$dental <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"b",sep="")
mepsmatrix$other <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"c",sep="")
mepsmatrix$inpatient <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"d",sep="")
mepsmatrix$er <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"e",sep="")
mepsmatrix$outpatient <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"f",sep="")
mepsmatrix$office <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"g",sep="")
mepsmatrix$hh <- paste(mepsmatrix$events,"h",sep="")
mepsmatrix$events <- NULL
##download special files
download.file( "" , "temp" )
zipcontents <- unzip( "temp" , list=T)
unzip( "temp" )
file.rename( as.character(zipcontents[1,1]) , "linkage.ssp" )
download.file( "" , "linkage - cb.pdf" , mode="wb" , cacheOK=F , method="internal" )
download.file( "" , "linkage - doc.pdf" , mode="wb" , cacheOK=F , method="internal" )
download.file( "" , "temp" )
zipcontents <- unzip( "temp" , list=T)
unzip( "temp" )
file.rename( as.character(zipcontents[1,1]) , "linkage - brr.ssp" )
download.file( "" , "linkage - brr cb.pdf" , mode="wb" , cacheOK=F , method="internal" )
download.file( "" , "linkage - brr doc.pdf" , mode="wb" , cacheOK=F , method="internal" )
#begin downloading all files for all years
for (i in 1:nrow(mepsmatrix) ) {
for (j in 2:ncol(mepsmatrix) ) {
if (![i,j])){
#download the SSP file
filenumbername <- paste("h",mepsmatrix[i,j],"",sep="")
meps_zipped_file <- paste("" , mepsmatrix[i,j] , "" , sep="")
err <- try( getURLContent(meps_zipped_file) , silent=T )
if( class(err) == "try-error" ){
download.file( sub("","",meps_zipped_file) , sub("","",filenumbername) )
zipcontents <- unzip( sub("","",filenumbername) , list=T)
unzip( sub("","",filenumbername) )
finalname <- paste( mepsmatrix[i,1] , " - " , names(mepsmatrix)[j] , " f1.ssp" , sep="" )
file.rename( as.character(zipcontents[1,1]) , finalname )
download.file( sub("","",meps_zipped_file) , sub("","",filenumbername) )
zipcontents <- unzip( sub("","",filenumbername) , list=T)
unzip( sub("","",filenumbername) )
finalname <- paste( mepsmatrix[i,1] , " - " , names(mepsmatrix)[j] , " f2.ssp" , sep="" )
file.rename( as.character(zipcontents[1,1]) , finalname )
} else {
download.file( meps_zipped_file , filenumbername )
zipcontents <- unzip( filenumbername , list=T)
unzip( filenumbername )
finalname <- paste( mepsmatrix[i,1] , " - " , names(mepsmatrix)[j] , ".ssp" , sep="" )
file.rename( as.character(zipcontents[1,1]) , finalname )
err <- NULL
#download the codebook if possible
cbname <- paste( mepsmatrix[i,1] , " - " , names(mepsmatrix)[j] , " cb.pdf" , sep="")
cbsite <- paste( "",mepsmatrix[i,j],"/h",mepsmatrix[i,j],"cb.pdf",sep="")
err <- try( getURLContent( cbsite ) )
if (! class(err) == "try-error" ) download.file( cbsite , cbname , mode="wb" , cacheOK=F , method="internal" )
err <- NULL
#download the documentation if possible
docname <- paste( mepsmatrix[i,1] , " - " , names(mepsmatrix)[j] , " doc.pdf" , sep="")
docsite <- paste( "",mepsmatrix[i,j],"/h",mepsmatrix[i,j],"doc.pdf",sep="")
err <- try( getURLContent( docsite ) )
if (! class(err) == "try-error" ) download.file( docsite , docname , mode="wb" , cacheOK=F , method="internal" )
err <- NULL
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