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Created September 24, 2021 13:08
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WiredTiger import example from Dan Gottlieb
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <wiredtiger.h>
#include "mongo/bson/bsonmisc.h"
#include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
#include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h"
#include "mongo/db/operation_context.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/bson_collection_catalog_entry.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/durable_catalog.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_util.h"
namespace mongo {
struct WTImportArguments {
std::string filepath;
// Just the base name, no "table:" nor "file:" prefix. No ".wt" suffix.
std::string ident;
// When querying WT metadata for "table:<ident>"
std::string tableMetadata;
// When querying WT metadata for "file:<ident>.wt"
std::string fileMetadata;
struct CollectionMetadata {
WTImportArguments collection;
std::string namespaceString;
BSONObj catalogObject;
BSONObj sizeStorerObject;
std::vector<WTImportArguments> indexes;
void buildStorageMetadata(BSONObjBuilder& toAddTo, const WTImportArguments& fields) {
toAddTo << fields.ident
<< BSON("tableMetadata" << fields.tableMetadata << "fileMetadata"
<< fields.fileMetadata);
std::vector<CollectionMetadata> rollbackToStableAndExportConfigs(std::string importingDbpath);
void importFromBackupCursor(OperationContext* opCtxFromRealDatabase, std::string importingDbpath) {
std::vector<CollectionMetadata> collectionsToImport =
for (const auto& coll : collectionsToImport) {
BSONObjBuilder storageMetadata;
// I kept things structured on the exporting side. The import though takes WT's metadata in
// as a single BSONObj blob per collection with what I believe is the following format (via
// quick reading of `WTKVENgine::importRecordStore`, `WTKVENgine::importSortedDataInterface`
// -> `WiredTigerUtil::generateImportString`):
// { "collection-123...": { "tableMetadata": "<tableMetadata>", "fileMetadata":
// "<fileMetadata>" },
// "index-124...": { "tableMetadata": "<tableMetadata>", "fileMetadata": "<fileMetadata>"
// }, ... }
buildStorageMetadata(storageMetadata, coll.collection);
for (const auto& indexImportArgs : coll.indexes) {
buildStorageMetadata(storageMetadata, indexImportArgs);
DurableCatalog::ImportCollectionUUIDOption::kKeepOld /* or kGenerateNew? */));
// At this point we also need to construct collection objects and initialize counts. See
// `live_import/import_collection.cpp::importCollection()` for how we construct/initializes
// those MDB classes.
std::vector<CollectionMetadata> rollbackToStableAndExportConfigs(std::string importingDbpath) {
// Open WT where the backed up data files were placed. Tell WT that the journal files are
// compressed with snappy and inside "<importingDbpath>/journal".
// Note that by not passing any configuration regarding `checkpoint=`, WT defaults to not taking
// checkpoints outside of opening and closing.
// WT is open. `WiredTiger.backup` is converted into a fresh `WiredTiger.wt`
// file. RollbackToStable was implicitly performed and a checkpoint was taken on completion. We
// rely on checkpoints being disabled to make exporting the WT metadata (byte offset to the root
// node) consistent with the new file that was written out.
WT_SESSION* session;
invariantWTOK(conn->open_session(conn, nullptr, nullptr, &session));
WT_CURSOR* mdbCatalogCursor;
WT_CURSOR* sizeStorerCursor;
session->open_cursor(session, "table:_mdb_catalog", nullptr, nullptr, &mdbCatalogCursor));
session->open_cursor(session, "table:sizeStorer", nullptr, nullptr, &sizeStorerCursor));
while (true) {
int ret = mdbCatalogCursor->next(mdbCatalogCursor);
if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND) {
WT_ITEM value;
invariantWTOK(mdbCatalogCursor->get_value(mdbCatalogCursor, &value));
BSONObj rawCatalogEntry(;
if (DurableCatalogImpl::isFeatureDocument(rawCatalogEntry)) {
// Not actually a public method.
// Re: this "feature document", we may "technically" need to copy its flag bits over,
// but realistically it's not meaningful. I defer to storage execution on the best thing
// to do.
// Lots of options here. I'm providing something that demonstrates we can avoid some of the
// higher level classes such as `Collection` or `IndexCatalog` that `exportCollection`
// otherwise depends on. I'm pessimistic those classes will work out of the box when we're
// trying to point them at catalog stuff in a different mdb_catalog file.
// Can also attempt to make a version of `enterprise/live_import/exportCollection` that
// doesn't depend on these classes and share the code.
// Please refactor this BSONCollectionCatalogEntry stuff if you feel the urge.
auto catalogEntry = BSONCollectionCatalogEntry::MetaData::parse(rawCatalogEntry);
// If exportCollection() is refactored so this code can hook into that -- the "output" of
// this loop would presumably become the bson object we can pass into the `importCollection`
// command.
// The `importCollection` command though (unfortunately) does all the replication bits of
// importing. I presume secondaries on a merging recipient will be independently copying the
// donor files and getting them consistent with a rollback to stable step. The primaries WT
// metadata cannot be correctly used by a secondary in this case.
// Instead what I'll opt for is calling `DurableCatalog::importCollection()` which basically
// takes these inputs.
CollectionMetadata toAdd;
toAdd.collection.filepath =
importingDbpath + "/" + rawCatalogEntry["ident"].String() + ".wt";
// Ident === `collection-123-456`.
toAdd.collection.ident = rawCatalogEntry["ident"].String();
toAdd.namespaceString = catalogEntry.ns;
// I'm pretty sure it's fine to use the same session for querying WT's metadata (i.e:
// WiredTiger.wt).
toAdd.collection.tableMetadata = uassertStatusOK(WiredTigerUtil::getMetadata(
session, "table:" + toAdd.collection.ident)); // table:collection-...
toAdd.collection.fileMetadata = uassertStatusOK(WiredTigerUtil::getMetadata(
session, "file:" + toAdd.collection.ident)); // file:collection-...
toAdd.catalogObject = rawCatalogEntry.getOwned();
/* do a sizeStorerCursor->search on I believe the `toAdd.collUri` string, get an owned bson
* obj and shove it in here:
* toAdd.sizeStorerObject = ownedSizeBSONObj;
for (const BSONCollectionCatalogEntry::IndexMetaData& index : catalogEntry.indexes) {
// At this point I learned that IndexMetaData does not provide the "ident" string for
// indexes either. E.g: `index-123-456`. Thus my plea to refactor the
// BSONCollectionCatalogEntry file...
// For now we'll pretend it does...
WTImportArguments indexImport;
indexImport.filepath = importingDbpath + "/" + index.ident + ".wt";
// Ident === `index-124-456`.
indexImport.ident = index.ident;
indexImport.tableMetadata =
WiredTigerUtil::getMetadata(session, "table:" + index.ident);
indexImport.fileMetadata =
WiredTigerUtil::getMetadata(session, "file:" + index.ident + ".wt");
// Closing WT I believe will take a checkpoint. Even though we did no logical writes, it's
// not obvious to me that the root node offsets we saved as part of the WT metadata sit
// still. The most conservative thing to do is copy the files at this step before closing
// WT. Obviously that's less desirable than just moving the files. Moving the files
// underneath WT while running will almost certainly result WT taking down the whole mongod
// process.
// Worth clarifying with WT how these files can be safely and optimally transfered to the
// "real" dbpath. If my hunch is right that moving files after closing is not safe today --
// my guess is it's easy for WT to add configuration string to `WT_CONNECTION::close` that
// skips taking a checkpoint or find some equivalent solution.
conn->close(conn, nullptr);
} // namespace mongo
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