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flowchart LR
subgraph Client
U[User] --> UI[User Interface]
subgraph Server
UI --> R[Routes]
R --> C[Controllers]
C --> AI[AI Integration]
AI --> M[Markdown Generator]
M --> C
C --> V[Views]
V --> UI
UF[Uploaded File] --> Multer[Multer]
Multer --> C
subgraph Google AI
AI --> PalmAPI[Palm API]
subgraph Database
PalmAPI --> MongoDB
C --> MongoDB
subgraph Frontend
UI --> Browser
Browser --> CSS[CSS]
Browser --> JS[JavaScript]
subgraph Backend
Server --> Nodejs[Node.js]
Nodejs --> Express[Express.js]
Express --> Multer[Multer]
Express --> EJS[EJS]
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User: This is the starting point, where the user interacts with the system.
User Interface (UI): This is the interface that the user sees and interacts with. It could be a web interface, a mobile app, etc.
Browser: This is the software application used by the user to access the user interface.
CSS: This stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is used to define the style and layout of the user interface.
JavaScript (JS): This is a programming language used to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to the user interface.

Node.js: This is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows server-side JavaScript code to be executed.
Express.js: This is a popular web framework for Node.js that simplifies building web applications.
Multer: This is a middleware used in Express.js applications to handle multipart/form-data requests, which are often used for file uploads.
Controllers (C): These handle incoming requests from the user interface, interact with other parts of the system, and generate responses.
AI Integration (AI): This is an optional component that allows the system to interact with a machine learning model from Google AI (e.g., Palm API).
Markdown Generator (M): This component takes data and generates Markdown content, which is a format used for creating readable text documents.
Content Creator (CC): This component (purpose not entirely clear from the flowchart) likely interacts with the Markdown Generator to create or modify content.
Views (V): These are the different pages or screens that the user sees in the user interface. They are generated based on the data provided by the controllers and Markdown content.
Uploaded File (UF): This represents files uploaded by the user.
Data Flow:

The user interacts with the UI.
The user interface sends a request to the server-side application.
The request is routed to the appropriate controller in the Express.js application.
The controller interacts with the AI integration (if enabled) and the Markdown Generator.
The Markdown Generator creates Markdown content.
The controller generates views based on the Markdown content and other data.
The views are sent back to the user interface.
The user interface displays the views to the user.
If there is a file upload, Multer middleware handles the uploaded file.
Without the Mongo database, the system cannot store data persistently. This means that any data generated or uploaded by the user will be lost once the user session ends.

Code Implementation:

Since the flowchart focuses on the high-level architecture, it doesn't provide all the details required to write the complete code. However, here's a general outline of how you might implement this system using Node.js, Express.js, Multer, and EJS:

Set up a Node.js project:

Initialize a Node.js project directory and install the required dependencies (Express.js, Multer, EJS).
Create server.js:

This file will contain the Express.js application code.
Define routes to handle different user requests.
Use controllers to handle request logic, interact with AI integration (if enabled), and generate Markdown content.
Use EJS to generate views based on the data provided by the controllers.
Create controllers:

Create JavaScript files for controllers.
Implement functions to handle specific requests (e.g., handle file uploads, generate Markdown content).
Create views:

Create EJS files for the user interface.
Use EJS templating syntax to embed dynamic content from the controllers.

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