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Created October 16, 2011 05:38
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Save ajfisher/1290545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Twitter Stream Analyser and Network Activator - watches twitter stream for keywords and hits a URL when it finds one.
# Twitter stream analyser and network activator (TSANA)
# This script analyses a twitter stream for keywords using the twitter
# streaming api - off the back of it, it then hits a user defined url
# In my case this is being used to tell an Arduino to pulse a light but
# could be used for anything arbitrary.
# Author: Andrew Fisher
# Version: 0.3
# Date: 20/10/2011
# Usage:
# Run from command line with python [opts]
# options are:
# --twitter-username=[user]
# --twitter-password=[password]
# --keywords=[comma separated list of keywords]
# --url=[complete URL to hit once a keyword has been found]
# Changelog:
# * v0.3 made password optional and uses getpass in order to not be in bash history
# * v0.2 Cleanup post WDS and released as a gist
import argparse
import getpass
import sys
import urllib2
from tweetstream import FilterStream
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Analyse a twitter stream and activate a URL once a keyword is found")
parser.add_argument('--twitter-username', '-u', dest="user",
required=True, help="A valid twitter user name" )
parser.add_argument('--twitter-password', '-p', dest="pwd",
required=False, help="Password for this twitter account can be left blank and you'll be asked for it" )
parser.add_argument('--keywords', '-k', dest="keywords",
required=True, help="A keyword list, comma separated, in quotes" )
parser.add_argument('--url', '-n', dest="url",
required=True, help="The url required to be hit when a match is made" )
args = parser.parse_args()
# put the keywords in a list and strip any leading spaces resulting from the comma splitting
words = [word.lstrip() for word in args.keywords.split(",")]
print "\n\nTSANA - Twitter Stream Analyser and Network Activator"
print "Searching for %s" % words
print "Will hit %s when one is found\n\n" % args.url
if args.pwd is None:
#password hasn't been supplied
args.pwd = getpass.getpass("Twitter password:")
stream = FilterStream(args.user, args.pwd, track=words)
for tweet in stream:
print "+++++"
print tweet["user"]["screen_name"]
print tweet["text"]
response = urllib2.urlopen(args.url).read()
except Exception, e:
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
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Use the getpass module to avoid passwords ending up in your bash history:

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Thanks for that - very good point. Hadn't worried about it in my case as I was using my twitter bot with a very insecure password not one of my "real" ones. Updated now to make it optional on the command line and use the getpass module to pick it up that way.

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