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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Report Bulanan OCA
-- =============================================
-- Author: NULL
-- Create date:
-- Description:
-- =============================================
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@tahun varchar (4),
@from varchar(2),
@to varchar(2)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
select tahun, bulan,sum(cicilan) as cicilan,sum(oca) oca,sum(payment) payment,sum(oca)+sum(cicilan) total,
round((sum(payment)/sum(cicilan)* 100 ),2) persen
select tahun, bulan,sum(cicilan) as cicilan,'' oca,'' payment
select year(cicilan1_dt) tahun, month(cicilan1_dt) bulan, cicilan1 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan2_dt) tahun, month(cicilan2_dt) bulan, cicilan2 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan3_dt) tahun, month(cicilan3_dt) bulan, cicilan3 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan4_dt) tahun, month(cicilan4_dt) bulan, cicilan4 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan5_dt) tahun, month(cicilan5_dt) bulan, cicilan5 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan6_dt) tahun, month(cicilan6_dt) bulan, cicilan6 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan7_dt) tahun, month(cicilan7_dt) bulan, cicilan7 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan8_dt) tahun, month(cicilan8_dt) bulan, cicilan8 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan9_dt) tahun, month(cicilan9_dt) bulan, cicilan9 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan10_dt) tahun, month(cicilan10_dt) bulan, cicilan10 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan11_dt) tahun, month(cicilan11_dt) bulan, cicilan11 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan12_dt) tahun, month(cicilan12_dt) bulan, cicilan12 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan13_dt) tahun, month(cicilan13_dt) bulan, cicilan13 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan14_dt) tahun, month(cicilan14_dt) bulan, cicilan14 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(cicilan15_dt) tahun, month(cicilan15_dt) bulan, cicilan15 cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
) tx
--where tahun is not null and tahun=2014 and bulan between 01 and 05
group by tahun, bulan
union all
select tahun, bulan,'' cicilan,sum(cicilan) as OCA ,'' payment
select year(OCA_BULAN) tahun, month(OCA_BULAN) bulan, SISA_TAGIHAN cicilan from tb_dtinstallment
) tx
--where tahun is not null and tahun=2014 and bulan between 01 and 05
group by tahun, bulan
union all
select tahun, bulan, ''cicilan,'' oca,sum(payment) as payment
select year(payment1_dt) tahun, month(payment1_dt) bulan, payment1 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment2_dt) tahun, month(payment2_dt) bulan, payment2 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment3_dt) tahun, month(payment3_dt) bulan, payment3 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment4_dt) tahun, month(payment4_dt) bulan, payment4 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment5_dt) tahun, month(payment5_dt) bulan, payment5 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment6_dt) tahun, month(payment6_dt) bulan, payment6 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment7_dt) tahun, month(payment7_dt) bulan, payment7 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment8_dt) tahun, month(payment8_dt) bulan, payment8 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment9_dt) tahun, month(payment9_dt) bulan, payment9 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment10_dt) tahun, month(payment10_dt) bulan, payment10 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment11_dt) tahun, month(payment11_dt) bulan, payment11 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment12_dt) tahun, month(payment12_dt) bulan, payment12 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment13_dt) tahun, month(payment13_dt) bulan, payment13 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment14_dt) tahun, month(payment14_dt) bulan, payment14 payment from tb_dtinstallment
union all
select year(payment15_dt) tahun, month(payment15_dt) bulan, payment15 payment from tb_dtinstallment
) tx
--where tahun is not null and tahun=2014 and bulan between 01 and 04
group by tahun, bulan
where tahun is not null and tahun=@tahun and bulan between @from and @to
group by tahun,bulan
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