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Default Oracle trigger for insert and update statement
create or replace TRIGGER "BIU_<TABLE_NAME>"
before insert or update on "<TABLE_NAME>"
for each row
if inserting and is null then
select "<TABLE_NAME>_ID_SEQ".nextval into :NEW."ID" from sys.dual;
end if;
if inserting then
:new.created_by := nvl(apex_application.g_user,USER);
:new.created_date := localtimestamp;
:new.last_modified_by := nvl(apex_application.g_user,USER);
:new.last_modified_date := localtimestamp;
end if;
if updating then
:new.last_modified_by := nvl(apex_application.g_user,USER);
:new.last_modified_date := localtimestamp;
end if;
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