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Last active March 15, 2021 12:47
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// All Parameters required for Network Deployment is given here.
param location string = resourceGroup().location
// All Variables required for Network Deployment is given here.
var addressPrefix = ''
var subnetName = 'Subnet1'
var subnetPrefix = ''
var virtualNetworkName = 'VNET1'
var networkSecurityGroupName = 'default-NSG'
// -------------------------------------------------
// Azure Network Security Group Resource is created.
// -------------------------------------------------
resource sg 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2020-06-01' = {
name: networkSecurityGroupName
location: location
properties: {
securityRules: [
name: 'default-allow-3389'
'properties': {
priority: 1000
access: 'Allow'
direction: 'Inbound'
destinationPortRange: '3389'
protocol: 'Tcp'
sourcePortRange: '*'
sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
// ------------------------------------------
// Azure Virtual Network Resource is created.
// ------------------------------------------
resource vn 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2020-06-01' = {
name: virtualNetworkName
location: location
properties: {
addressSpace: {
addressPrefixes: [
subnets: [
name: subnetName
properties: {
addressPrefix: subnetPrefix
networkSecurityGroup: {
// The above vnet is passed as an object, so that it can be used by another module.
output results object = {
vnet: vn
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