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Created March 14, 2021 10:40
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// All Parameters required for VM Deployment is given here.
param adminUserName string
param adminPassword string
param dnsLabelPrefix string
@description('location for all resources')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
// All Variables required for VM Deployment is given here.
var windowsOSVersion = '2016-Datacenter'
var vmSize = 'Standard_B2s'
var nicName = 'myVMNic'
var publicIPAddressName = 'myPublicIP'
var vmName = 'Win2016Server'
var networkSecurityGroupName = 'default-NSG'
// Passing parameters and variables for network resources.
param vnet object
param subnetName string = 'Subnet1'
var vnetName = last(split(vnet.resourceId, '/'))
var subnetId = resourceId(vnet.resourceGroupName, 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets', vnetName, subnetName)
// ------------------------------------
// Azure Public IP Resource is created.
// ------------------------------------
resource pip 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2020-06-01' = {
name: publicIPAddressName
location: location
properties: {
publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
dnsSettings: {
domainNameLabel: dnsLabelPrefix
// --------------------------------------------
// Azure Network Interface Resource is created.
// --------------------------------------------
resource nInter 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2020-06-01' = {
name: nicName
location: location
properties: {
ipConfigurations: [
name: 'ipconfig1'
properties: {
privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
publicIPAddress: {
subnet: {
id: subnetId
// --------------------------------------------------
// Azure Windows Virtual Machine Resource is created.
// --------------------------------------------------
resource VM 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2020-06-01' = {
name: vmName
location: location
properties: {
hardwareProfile: {
vmSize: vmSize
osProfile: {
computerName: vmName
adminUsername: adminUserName
adminPassword: adminPassword
storageProfile: {
imageReference: {
publisher: 'MicrosoftWindowsServer'
offer: 'WindowsServer'
sku: windowsOSVersion
version: 'latest'
osDisk: {
createOption: 'FromImage'
dataDisks: [
diskSizeGB: 128
lun: 0
createOption: 'Empty'
networkProfile: {
networkInterfaces: [
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