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Last active October 8, 2018 05:52
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Cool ways of logging
const foo = { name: "shyam", age: "10", code: false };
const coo = { name: "ram", age: "10", code: true };
const doo = { name: "kaam", age: "10", code: false };
//show variable name also
console.log({ foo, coo, doo });
// css
console.log("%c Test", "color:orange;font-weight:900;");
console.table([foo, coo, doo]);
// time trace
let i = 0;
while (i < 1000000) {
// Stack trace log.
const test = () => console.trace("Look at me now!");
// string concatenation
function boyAge(str, age) {
const ageStr = age > 5 ? "old" : "young";
return `${str[0]}${ageStr} at ${age} years`;
const beta = boyAge`This boy's age is ${4}`;
// spread syntax
const pikachu = { name: "Pikachu" };
const stats = { height: "50cm", weight: "10kg", alpha: false };
// want to merge pikachu & stats
const newPikachu = Object.assign(pikachu, stats);
// OR better
const newPikachu1 = { ...pikachu, ...stats };
console.log({ newPikachu, newPikachu1 });
// spread works same for arrays
// best looping techniques
// reduce, filter, map
// Promises
// instead of chaining .then() use async & await
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